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Everything posted by BartoODPC

  1. 10 frontside
  2. u dont like him cuz hes on tv and ur not? haha. i love how people can make accusations on individuals they hav no clue what their personality is... o yeh..and i used to live in texas..and bush was governor...so i guess hes a really good president! ..haha
  3. u cant call it a capitol k if u just said what u did? its a 180 feeble fakie out. u could always adopt a star and name it capitol k, i doubt u will find a new slide this late in the game.
  4. is nipples an actual name of someone?
  5. u dont drop 20 feet from a tree
  6. as for as learning to ride pipe, camelback has a very good pipe once it is freshly cut. the key to pipe is at most ur entry run. upon entry, u should never b carving into the tranny. no matter heelside wall or toeside wall, u want to initiate ur turn in the flats and just hold an edge into the transition. many people think they need to carve into the wall but u initiate ur turn before moving up the wall, and that is usually where beginners lose all speed.
  7. i don't think their r any plans of a reduction in angle. its a lot more dangerous once u start reducing the angle like u c at mammoth and other big name parks. i could just see the weekend warrior attempting to back lip the top of the wall with way too much speed
  8. u may just kill urself trying a cork 3 on a jump, it would b more practical in a pipe. no less than 5 on jumps.
  9. will the comp be postponed again?
  10. BartoODPC

    Bears jumps

  11. if you havent noticed everyone can do flips..thats y they require no skill. making them look nice is whats not easy. anyone who can grow a pair is able to spend 3 runs hucking themselves and possess the skill to land a backflip. it doesn't mean it will look nice, but it's nothing more then having the guts to do it.
  12. Personally i like riding bear more than mountain creek. the only thing mountain creek has over bear is a nice super pipe. the jumps arent any bigger. hell, if anything mountain creek needs to work on making their jumps better because they were a lil weak last year. no doubt they have advanced rails..but how many ways can u ride a rollercoaster? seriously. u can definately better perfect ur skills at bear creek. mountain creek hosted a nice usasa event though.
  13. workin park is the sickest job possible. Bear is a great place to work on park crew. I got on when it started but now i moved to camelback since i goto school here. definately recommend workin on the park crew! haha ODPC
  14. thank god its no longer at camelback, their pipe was absolute trash
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