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Everything posted by sibhusky

  1. Uh, some of that is posted twice, Borgata Boss. Also, I've found that the spray ons are just too tough to get evenly all over the garment. Inevitably, I've discovered I didn't get some section of the garment adequately covered with the spray. Hence the decision to switch to wash ins. Maybe it's best to use both.
  2. Wash them with powder detergent, then wash them again with waterproofing like NikWax.
  3. Let us know when it's posted. Otherwise, my mind will wander.
  4. sibhusky


    Hey, if anyone meets Jonna, tell her the lady in the store in Whitefish says "hi". Just in case she was recognized in other stores, I'm the one with the racing daughter.
  5. sibhusky

    Base Cleaning

    Many people say that base cleaners dry out your bases and remove all the wonderful layers of wax you've been adding all season, which you don't want to do. Your skis should be getting better and better the longer you own them.
  6. They want to put one in here when they expand the nice little out of the way place my locker is, into the main lodge this summer. The skiers are having as now if we ski the bottom part of the mountain we will have to take our skis off, get on this thing, then put them on for the next lift.
  7. There's been a discussion of what area is the equivalent of Alta, but for snowboarders. It sounds like it may be Brighton. I thought many of you would be interested.
  8. Lifetime ski days so far: 831
  9. What I have also done is enter the lift number or an initial into the memo feature on my cell phone each time I sat on a lift. Then I sat down at night and took out the trail map for the mountain which showed the vertical rise (not length) of the lifts. Not all mountains make that information easy to get. I think that when Doug takes over stats, he needs to set up a database with the vertical rise of each of the PA lifts.
  10. I have an altimeter watch. But, if you know the vertical RISE of each lift you use and keep track of the number of times up each of the lifts you use, it should come out to the same thing. You don't track mileage skied, just vertical. So, for instance, if you were at Camelback (my old mountain), Nile Mile would have the same vertical drop as Cliffhanger.
  11. Went over my personal record for feet skied in a year today AND for feet skied in a day. Got 42000 in today and it WASN'T all on groomers. I am totally exhausted since the snow was soft and HEAVY. Now I can ease off the rest of the season.
  12. Good one!!!!!
  13. They are still amazing, although today the sun didn't shine, so things were firm after yesterday.
  14. We close April 9. I suspect we will have tons of snow, but they are still saying we are closing then.
  15. For those of you hungering for snow, or pictures thereof, here are some pictures from today. The consistency of the snow for the most part was like custard if you timed your tour correctly based on sun position. Hit F11 to view full screen and see the descriptions. March 21, Big Mountain
  16. He said he had school work or something. I didn't even know he was going to school.
  17. Hmm, it would be interesting to look at the ages of the top SL skiers over the last 20 years compared to the top DH skiers. And of course, their weights.
  18. Siblet has a tough time with SL and she's small. The good kids in SL are two twin sisters, both built like drinking straws. It's almost like you excel at speed OR tech, but you rarely see people evenly good at the extremes of the events (DH and SL), hence the combined.
  19. Slalom USED to be his specialty, it hasn't been in a long time. He bulked up for speed and lost his quickness.
  20. sibhusky

    sg skis

    Siblet has hand-me-down SG skis from another racer. They are Volkyls. The team tends to do this because most of the kids have VERY few SG's. In fact, Siblet no longer wishes to do speed events, but the skis will return to the team otherwise I'd offer them to you.
  21. The way I read it, he already owns three of the five and he just needs to get two more. To be clearer, he didn't say he wanted to win them all in the same year.
  22. Another article on Bode -- He's found a new goal! http://www.skiracing.com/news/news_display.php/3669/ALPINE
  23. My ONLY skiing injury over 35 seasons (guessing about 12 million vertical feet) of skiing was after a few beers-with-chasers in the CB lounge. I hadn't planned to go out and ski again after that but I did. Fortunately the lesson only involved a few stitches and not a broken neck.
  24. It started out about Bode and suddenly Papasteeze was calling skidude a racer wannabe or something. Well, it wasn't a direct aim, more of a sideways swat. Oddly I'd found myself on PS's side for a bit there, being as how I am SICK TO DEATH OF THE WORLD ANALYZING BODE. Maybe he was actually swatting at ski999 and skidude stood up and received the blow instead. Not clear.
  25. And my goal was only to beat MY record of two seasons back, as much as I'd like to beat you I've said several times I don't think it's doable OR desirable. I spent one day intentionally bombing groomers just to rack up the vert and it was BORING. (Although we don't have a lot of powder in the trees at the moment, so I'm doing a lot of groomers this week anyway.)
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