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Everything posted by sibhusky

  1. Well, you figure I didn't post the URL to here, didn't really blast CB, just gave out that you can get banned from the board. I suspect that skibum or whomever it was, is not on the Daves' "Highly approved list", so they don't care if he goes to this board. But I am surprised that he has not reacted to me privately, I admit. I haven't checked to see if he deleted the posts about skidude being banned over nothing, has anyone else?
  2. It looks to me as if he's practicing. This from NASTAR web site: Park City Mountain Resort Mar 24th, 2004 Course Time Handicap Medal Daily Nastar Green 18.06 19.37 Gold Yellow 17.63 19.53 Gold Green 17.99 18.90 Gold Green 18.17 20.09 Gold Green 17.97 18.77 Gold Green 18.18 20.16 Gold Green 18.23 20.49 Gold
  3. I've got a spray can of bear repellant in a holster on my belt when I'm in bear country. Of course, that's for our black and brown bears, not grizzlies. Probably won't work on something that would laugh at a shot gun blast between the eyes. I've got bear spray as well, but I can't see me hooking it to my belt -- what if I fell? And, do you come to a stop, throw down the poles, unhook the can, and spray the bear? I think I am lunch by that time! Seems a choice between keep on going FAST or .... death?
  4. Thank you. It is still a "work in progress" -- not quite finished garage and kennels yet -- and need to do landscaping (we have just dirt under all that snow) -- and then we need to finish the basement. Basement = guest suite, play room, and ski tuning/work shop.
  5. It varies, supposedly up to 87" at the summit, 46" at the base. We've got $20 lift tickets starting 4/1, when part of the place closes so the grizzlies can wake up in peace. (I hope they know they are supposed to sleep until then -- I was wondering what to do if I encounter one on this 3 mile trail that has a bunch of blind corners and some narrow spots.)
  6. Oh, yes, we do...ice in the AM, slush in the PM. If you can catch it right, there's about two hours of perfection. It was in the 60's today.
  7. The first day of spring is March 20th, according to this calendar I am looking at.
  8. Get in line...After the dogs go..Im coming After the dogs go? What makes you think I am getting rid of my pooches?
  9. Did everyone finally get together? This poll is still on the home page, but things seem to have petered out about a month ago.
  10. Got two, husband and racer-offspring. Also three dogs.
  11. I made them smaller so you could see them better.
  12. Okay, will post my tree skiing pics on the picture forum.
  13. sibhusky

    Pa Cup 4

    Actually, if you go along the ski racks here while a race is on, the biggest brand seems to be Rossignols (at least at the NorAm's, which were speed events here), then Volkyl, then Fischer, then Atomic. The huge difference in brands is really apparent here from back East. For non-racers, I'd say the biggest brand here is K2, then Rossignol, at least in skis.
  14. sibhusky

    Pa Cup 4

    Okay, skidude, here's my racer at Bridger Bowl
  15. Good grief, a whole topic about ME! Are you sure you want this old lady here?
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