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Everything posted by Coach

  1. Anyone planning on riding Hunter Mt. this Sunday April 2nd? Hellgate will be going off and the tix are free if you are a season pass holder at any resort in the country.
  2. Does anyone know if PA Ski and Ride sells gear (t-shirts)?
  3. He looks like a girl.
  4. Where has F.S. been busting those stylee frontside 180's off the top booter? ...
  5. Great idea! I 'll be there.
  6. I am curious to know why the base at BC is so thin. On the website (which has no daily snow report; however, that will be another thread which gets started if things don't change on that front) someone claims to have a 37-39 inch base. Where is this measured from. I have to say that having rode several mountains thus far this year in the North East region that BC's base is horrible. We need to take advantage of the cold weather conditions at night and make the snow which we will need to take us through tough times in the season (like last years January warm spell where i think we actually closed down the mountain). Anyway...I will continue to ride the snow making crew (Tless Joe) until I don't run over anymore rocks every 4 feet like I did this morning (Thursday) before leaving after 2 runs and heading another hour north to Jack Frost for MUCH better riding conditions. Let's make the snow which we need and cut down the number of employees making pizzas which we don't.
  7. Was gonna head up today but thought I would ride tonight. Glad to hear it is still held up and ripping. . .
  8. That's because there are a bunch of kooks hitting it. Accolades to the park crew for being on it at 10PM Tuesday night after mountain closed. Hopefully they can keep decent landings in the park even though you have people who can't even hold an edge trying to hit obstacles such as benches and rails. Wish the best for ya. . .
  9. It was slow last night because they blew snow the entire night before I think. Tless J was hard at work. . .
  10. The Flying Ones are back. Thanks for the post as I was wondering where they were last night.
  11. Very interesting. I have now a more difficult challenge...try guessing whats in the wittle leggie thingies which are worn around the calf??? Huh. . . See if ya can get wit dat?
  12. Props to the BC park crew memebers for having nice take off and landing transitions on all booters in the temp park. Best condition the park booters have been in years. Dec 20 night was rippinng.
  13. Right Dominant man. You actually get it. That is prob it...like you stated. I have seen some kid with his stance so wide that he could hardly turn his board while riding, yet he was able to slide a rails but it looked so uncomfortable for him to ride that way. I ride my board at 23 (which is wide) but it's comfortable as I stand a bit taller than 5 foot.
  14. Like I said I understand the the purpose. I don't understand how someone that is 5 foot nothin can ride a stance as wide as it goes (or wider by drilling holes) and be comfortable.
  15. I am talking about people having their bindings on the tips of their boards rather than having them spaced for comfort. Their bindings are prob 30 inches wide. It is underdtood a wider stance is better for maintaining a lower center of gravity which in turn, keeps you much more stable for sliding rails and sticking booters; however, these people have completley gone overboard and I am only curious to know if it's a trend (like the we had in the 90's similar to the current cool leggie calf pack thingy these peeps are rocking now) or if it's actually comfortable.importantly it's prob uncomfortable. What goes in dos funny wittle things anyway that you wear around your wittle leggies?
  16. It is actually silly to look at. That said, I suggest they leave it at a comfortable 30 inches for us to watch from the lift. . .
  17. I am curious to know the deal with the 30 inch stances this year. I see people (mabey standing 5 feet tall) riding close to 30 inch stances. . . Whats up with dat?
  18. Who on this crew has any experience building parks and where? ...
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