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Everything posted by burton71

  1. Wow after 5 pages now and you guys just don't get it do you...lol. Re-read the thread from the beginning. I stated my opinion on something and then notice what happens? Then notice what happens when I say something about someone elses opinion. You guys crack me up. Especially all the nut swinging...a lot of build up there...but what a let down that was in the end. Oh well at least it made my day go by quick yesterday. Maybe today I'll start a topic about why McTwists are more styling then laid out front flips and we can start all over again. Nope. Did you? If not make sure you go Quad XL, I hear thats the new shit.
  2. I'm sad now because I really do care what you think. And btw, it is "I couldn't care less." EDIT: Now I'm really, really sad because you deleted your post.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cei0xC7sZ5A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SwYOZDLHSg
  4. Sounds pretty sweet, thanks!
  5. *yawn*
  6. Word. Little more kick and a longer landing and that thing would be awesome. Could probably build a really cool one in the tubing run on the head wall / roller before the big jump.
  7. Glad you picked up on it. I was tempted to put a </fight club> tag at the end. But I figured it was pop culture enough to not need it. But why reinvent the wheel, if someone has stated something perfectly there is no need to rephrase it to make it your own.
  8. It was earlier in the week, but got groomed a bit so its not quite urban. Still a lot of fun though.
  9. From the beinging I have said that backflips and underflip have the same amount of difficulty. Anyone that has done both can attest to that. Hell a lot of people think undeflips are easier since that is the natural rotation for a backflip on a snowboard. Clever
  10. Thanks for the eloquent replay. Now go sit in the comer while the adults talk.
  11. Yes some tricks have inherently have more style then others. Take the best front board you have ever seen and compare it to the best back board you have ever seen...which would you say was the more stylish trick.
  12. BS 180's can be one of the most stylish tricks ever...thanks for proving my point by using MFM as an example. Agreed. Take that same rider, have him chuck a backflip and a underflip. The underflip will look better every time and isn't any harder to do. Which is my point from the beginning. Never said every backflip was lame. I said they are lame because it is one of those trick unless it is done just right..ala Travis Rice...looks lame. Again thanks for proving my point for me. Good for you. The rest of the snowboarding world would disagree, especially since they are showing up all over the place again. I've seen switch underflips in just about every release this year. Dude again comprehension...I don't pick my tricks on videos or contests, my point with that is if two tricks have the same difficultly level the one with more style will win. Just like a BS 180 scores higher the a FS 180 in a contest.
  13. LOL. Get a grip kid, we're talking about the same thing.
  14. First trick in JP's part > then Rippey's backflip. Over corked 5, fs rodeo, underflip...call it what you will. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMReQ_BIues
  15. Start with People and We're People Too. After you watch those I got a few more for you. Into some slightly older vids? Make sure to check Technical Difficulties...possibly the best video in the last 10 years. Its funny there are so many bandwagon jumpers in this thread since all I did was call straight flips lame lol.
  16. Wasn't going for ownage, just wondering why all you guys swing and slurp his nuts? You should...I can recommend some really good ones that show some steezy style. I mean there won't be any killer straight back flips...but there will be some other nice styling tricks. AND...I'm still wait to for someone to explain or point out what is some mad stylish about straight flips. We are on like what 4 pages now and no one has come even close to that lol.
  17. Kid...lol. I've probably been snowboarding longer then you have been alive. Seriously though how do hit nuts taste? Salty? You are at least the second person slurping them so I wanna know if I'm missing something.
  18. I like the concept and had a lot of fun on it last night, I really like the long mellow face of it. I think it would be really cool if it was a little bit steaper and wider for a little more pop and room to set up for spins.
  19. Yeah, but its a one or the other thing, you can't link the two togther. Plus I think the bleacher could be angled down the hill a little bit more.
  20. Being arrogant is ok when you are correct...like me. Being arrogant and not listening when proven wrong over and over again...like you...is funny...but also a little bit pathetic. But hey man you keep hucking those mad steezy back flips bruh!
  21. Wow, you should really try to follow the conversation a little better to prevent looking like such a tool in the future sparky. I mean you can't even post a vid of the proper tricks when trying to call someone out lol.
  22. Nope, you can swing right around it, I was hitting the left rail last night no problem.
  23. A simple I was wrong would have been fine.
  24. What kind of wax would be best for that?
  25. And you keep on thinking you aren't following them...lol. Funny, how would know if you haven't watched other vids? Especially the last two years where there have been some killer vids from other companies. And just another point of how rodeos and underflips are more stylish then straight flips. Having been in and judged many contests before straight flips are scored lower then rodeos despite them being about the same difficulty level. You only get a few points for the switch landing of the rodeo so the extra boost in points comes from the added style of the off axis flip. But you guys keep talking like you have a clue what you are talking about cause its pretty funny lol.
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