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Everything posted by bendzee

  1. I know BC was planning to extend the season for as long as they could and just thought I'd drop a little bit of weather history that is on our side. . . 8 out of the 10 warmest Januarys on record (of which 06 was one of) have been followed by Februarys that were also above average (which this month also will be), but most importantly, had also been followed by a month of March that was well below average and colder than the month of January had been for that year. If BC wants to stay open til April, recent history has shown this to be a strong possibility, and cold temperatures in the relative short term support this. We deserve it after suffering through the most miserable 7 weeks of winter ever. noaa 6-10 day outlook noaa 8-14 day outlook
  2. I agree. I definetly can't get up as much as I'd like. I was just really frustrated after a session I had the other week when I posted this rant, but ever since then, the park has been totally freakin ripping. I apoligize to anyone I offended and give the park crew props for keepin things tight (and puttin up with a holes like myself)
  3. the dark laniding on the first kicker is one of the great mysteries of an otherwise sick park
  4. Anyone know the last time the pipe was cut or if they plan on cutting it tonight?
  5. Yeah that top kicker's transition was much smoother and more even pitched last night than it was Tues when it was much harder to keep a good line going into that second table
  6. I know you're job is tough and pretty thankless; and I admit my message was a bit hurtful and I came off as a whiner. Now that you've threatened me with a shovel up my butt, lets call it even. It was just an observation, but last night you guys were out in full force and the park was way better as result. yeah, menstration is over now so all is well
  7. Whats goin on with the landings on the big kickers? The first one throws you into a landing with a fall-line heading towards skiers right; basically right into that rail line near the woods at a high speed . It's not only super sketchy trying to land but then you have to worry about people that might be riding over on that side of the trail. It also makes it more difficult to get a good line into that second kicker. And that second kicker's landing sucks too. The take-offs are pretty good: they're staggered and are different sizes but why does the landing have to be staggered too. I don't really know how to describe it but it's almost like its domed out so that the skier's left option has the same distance to the landing as the skier's right option even though that right option is set back like 4 or 5 ft. Can we please get transitions for our landings that are more consistent and even? Check the trannies on link for reference nick's run and kangaroo line
  8. What happened to BC's park crew? When there was a minimal amount of features early on in the season, the crew was all over it but now that the parks are fully loaded with hits and rails, I never see anyone on the hill maintaining. A lot of the landings off the rails are all rutted out, take-offs on booters have channels and then the landings have been bumped out. I know that these things happen when we get dumped on but isn't it the park crew's job to fix what gets screwed up? The park would be much better if it could just get a little bit of maintanence throughout the day and night.
  9. That colored lighting idea is pretty sick. Not only would it look good but maybe the park crew could put up signs sayin something like 'don't stand in the colored areas' or something to keep the kooks off the takeoffs and landings. And yeah, that top booter has been there for what, 4 years now and theres still no light on that landing. Is it that hard to put an extra light on the pole that's already there? It would make landings a little less sketchy at night.
  10. Extending the season is a great idea and I think you'd be surprised at how many kids descend on Bear Creek. All the mountains around here always close down right when the conditions get more favorable (and forgiving) for going bigger and trying new tricks. Right when were all getting dialed in and starting to push our limits, we get shut down. So hopefully by keeping our season alive and keeping us stoked, you'll also be able to bring in a profit to make it sustainable and justifiable for future seasons. And as far as all these kids talking about potential overcrowding, that's the kind of problem I would think you would want. And if it does become a problem, have a limited number of tickets available for the day and for the night sessions so when the tickets are gone, they're gone. Bear Mountain in SoCal does it like that on weekends cause they get so many freakin people trying to get into a small mountain and it works out pretty well for them. Thanks Mark for all your ideas and your commitment to making Bear Creek better than any mountain around here.
  11. So stoked on our mountains commitment to progression! I'll definetly be there. Outside of New England, no other mountain (except for the other Creek in Jersey) even comes close to our park. Keep steppin it up.
  12. bendzee

    Park layout

    Props to the park staff for the killer job you guys are doing with the park. The parks have a good flow to them and everything is set up nice; rails have good, wide approaches with nice transitions on both ends and the new kicker at the top of black bear has the perfect amount of kick to it for the landing it throws you into and is better than any of the kickers that were setup in the tubing park in that respect. The only problem with the park is that is the only legitimate booter in either park. There's almost 20 sliders set up between the two parks and it would be nice to have the kind of line you guys got going in the tubing park. And instead of having that top kicker on black bear the biggest in the park, make the second or third booter progressively bigger. You always had to do a lot of speed checking last year after that first booter so that you didn't clear the transitions of the next table tops. Thanks guys and stay on point!
  13. yeah, snow's a little grippy cuase they've been blanketing the mountain with fresh making for more forgiving landings
  14. A drill in case they feel they're stances aren't wide enough so they can make on the fly adjustments.
  15. yeah, good trannies and take offs but the bottom kickers need steeper transitions on the takeoffs. It will give you more time in the air and set you on to that beautiful, steep landing perfectly. The takeoffs they have now would work better on a flatter, more mellow landing.
  16. Maybe we should all cut down the noses and tails of our boards and either remove or just leave a nub for our highbacks like they did back in the day. I'm glad you kids can butter the snot out of the rails with your setups but those aren't blunt slides or nose presses you're doing on the boxes cause you ain't got no nose. All the control that is compromised by your set-ups that is forcing you to go so slow cuase you can't even turn.
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