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James Lamar

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Everything posted by James Lamar

  1. lol my bro marcus won the grommet thing lol my bro marcus won the grommet thing
  2. the set up looks incredibly wack
  3. that sounds pretty fun
  4. wait so liek anyone cud enter right u dont have to work in a shop or anything right
  5. sounds pretty fun
  6. that will be sick as hell if they have it on boulder park
  7. yeah i work at camelback and they do get rediculously crowded even on there beginner trails it gets pretty crazy sometimes for the kids when aholes who dont know wut theyre doing crash into them and on mlk weekend the lines will be redonculous im pretty sure as of now there mountain is wrecked and they dont have enough snow id go to jfbb if i were u
  8. yeah madd ppl bitched out
  9. is it gonna be on freedom park? or widow?
  10. who else thinks it was ridonculously crowded by ppl who didnt know wut they were doing today and yesterday
  11. James Lamar
  12. yeah they shud definitally have it on merry widow
  13. does anyone knwo wut park its gonna be on this year?
  14. yo is boulder open tommorw or was that just for that rail jam thing today?
  15. ha in that vid im standing in the background in like 5 of the shots
  16. im gona be so rusty ill probaly deff bust my ass like 5 times but im deff going
  17. is it true that they're moving the park that was on tanunbaum ??
  18. its gonna be packed thre most likely
  19. yeah i think they start around then idk i dont really pay much attention to that stuff haha
  20. im prtty sure they'll probaly redue most of the park and from wut i heard its in the bigger park
  21. whos going to the finals tommorw at bb?
  22. thats good for my bro scince he didnt get in yet
  23. u think they'll change the park before the finals?
  24. i think its the 24 cuz the 25 is a saturday
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