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James Lamar

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Everything posted by James Lamar

  1. wuts the date of the finals
  2. The cheese wedge up in the little park??
  3. so for this thing is there diffent age divisions or is the comp like all ages in the same thing
  4. THey finally gonna have the car up for the comp?
  5. haha yeah hes pretty happy bout going to killington
  6. ha u won and gave it to my bro? or did they make u
  7. yeah it was pretty sweet till the security guard like chased us out
  8. ha yeah i work for her
  9. the winner wasnt a local tho i think the winner rides at cb
  10. yeah i did it at shawnee and it wasnt a comp really haha it was more like if they liked u or not. my brothers doing it at boulder this year i think.
  11. at big boulder is taht like an acutually comp. or r they gonna do it like they pick the kid they like the most( like how shawnee did it last year)
  12. yo is that car up yet?
  13. yeah the c box thing sounds pretty awesome
  14. haha havnt seen any yet
  15. ill pass
  16. yeah p tex works real good my friends bro filled all the big scratches on my ski with p tex
  17. haha yeah taht wud suck pretty bad
  18. alrite cool
  19. yo r they gonna have a stationwagon wit a rail on it next week?!
  20. yo tonite for skiiers 15& under they screwed the scores up cuz some little kid who went strait onto like 2 boxes got third when other kids who were like D-ing up the flat down urban thing and did a whole bunch of other stuff didnt place at all. but the little kid who got third must feel real good
  21. pretty much everything has a gap onto it sept some boxes
  22. yeah thats pretty much how its done
  23. James Lamar

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    wut size ?
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