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About joeskier

  • Birthday 06/29/1980

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  • Equipment
    Atomic Sx7s 180cm with 310 device bindings
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain

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  • Location
    East Stroudsburg
  • Interests
    Skiing, movies, beer, girls, and money

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  1. joeskier

    4frnt skis?

    ebay is awesome!! i got my atomics on ebay for $325 with shipping and everything. I would have paid close to 600 for them in a store.
  2. yeah right. this storm was a wet heavy snow all over, even in the elevations. this snow sucks big time.
  3. yeah if we get this 3-6 inches their talking about they'll be opening up night skiing again on thursday. although sunday is supposed to be all rain. and in the 50's. so thats mean they will def close on sat and stay closed.
  4. yeah thats a fun site. just wish it was more up to date.
  5. woo hoo. i guess the means blue will be open till at least then too. they could probably make it into early april if the wanted to. there is a crap load of snow out on the mountatins still.
  6. I'm thinking i'm glad i work on weekends b/c this is the worst weekend of the year to go skiing anywhere in PA. forget CB for sure on presidents weekend. its nice to have days off in the middle of the week. everyone else is at work or school and i have the whole mtn to myself.
  7. worst day of skiing ever!! went to CB around 11am they had just decided to close the stevenson b/c of winds. condtions were all ice. They must have groomed when it was still warm out then it all froze so their plenty of courdory, not bad if you don't mind that skiing on bumpy ice feeling along with some of those "death cookies" that some of you speak of. and to top it off there was even bare spots showing on certain trails. At least they are making some fresh snow the next few nights!
  8. click here Try this link tell me what you think
  9. yeah i thought i saw that too on the other board. its too bad if they don't own it. the state should let them expand on it anyway. they need to do something though to keep us regulars amused. i think the once a year weekend skiers could care less.
  10. that is such a shame. we need a country wide blizzard. 3 foot dump all over.
  11. so ussually by this time CB annouces their new attraction for the summer? is there going to be one or could they save some money for some ski area expansion? maybe those east side trails that have been planned for years, i know this topic comes up once a year. but i think its long overdue they do something new for the ski area!! Camelbeach already has the most waterslides in PA i think this is the summer to expand the ski area.
  12. 1. Great staff except maybe the higher ups but we won't go there again. 2. Variety of trails. (it also helps to know all the trails most people overlook) 3. Conditions - been excellent this year even on trouble spots like pharoh and tut 4. High speed quads! although i'm spoiled and get impatient when i go elsewhere 5. parking at sunbowl. step out of your car into the snow. 6. of course the bra tree 7. condtions page is almost always up to date. 8. great snowmaking but not the best 9. 10. tried to think of ten but thats all i got for now.
  13. That is messed up. they could have ran the bailey and marc easily at least earlier in the day at the very least. however i did hear they had winds top out at 80mph at the top of the sully. and i'm sure there were some nice snow drifts up top too.
  14. joeskier


    went to CB this morning and condtions were unbelievable. The best this season. perfect packed powder. i skied almost every trail twice and the only one that had any ice on it was rocket. even pharoh was in the best shape ever. which suprised me
  15. what do you expect after a series of ice storms? packed powder conditons? if your going to go the day after an ice storm you have to expect some crappy condtions but only 10 trails? that sucks.
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