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Everything posted by Glassjaw

  1. I was going off the second jump just to do a simple method and I suppose I got caught off balance and leaned forward; people who saw me said that it looked like I was doing a super man through the air. I came down hard on my shoulder and heard a snapping sound.
  2. It was surpsingly empty, which was good. Conditions were good, but sadly enough for me I broke my collar bone. I saw, well I guess should say, heard Nipples because someone called him that. Yeah, I was the one at the bottom of the second jump on the terrain park (Right one if looking at trail map) lying there and had ski patrol grab me. I'm out for 6-8 weeks with re-evalution in 2.
  3. I'm heading up tomorrow with my schoo's ski/board club tomorrow, not sure who I'm going to spend the day with though. Mark, are you in the club? Anyway, who else is going?
  4. If I didn't have an icehockey game later that night I'd go.
  5. That sucks. Well, not sure if you remember me but I'm Tim, I was on your bus a few years back while at Arcola (the kid with Diabetis, if that helps any).
  6. What happened to Christmas Eve? I know I'm new here, but I plan on heading up Sat, not sure if I'll see anyone but I know who VTMark is.
  7. My stance, insides of binding to eachother, is about 14 inches and I stand 6'1. Although, I may widen it after a few times to dial in my comfort.
  8. If anyone has seen the snowboarding movie by Elekrep, there are scenes with what look to be like two huge kickers, if not table tops, set next to eachother; about twenty feet apart and 20-30 feet high to allow for transfers. A smaller version of this to fit the park would be sick.
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