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Everything posted by mtnbiker99x

  1. Friday was ok if you can deal with rain and clouds/fog at the top. As mentioned above there were some icy spots but most everything was good. 2025-01-31 16.51.05.mp4
  2. KSL Resorts is the operator of Camelback and runs the resort. EPR Properties is the REIT that actually owns the property and leases it to KSL. EPR owns the property at Camelback along with several others including JF/BB, Hunter, Mt Snow, Mad River OH, Alpine OH, Boston Mills, and Northstar CA. https://eprkc.com/portfolio/experiential/ski/ Some people did not know that and it is traded under symbol EPR.
  3. Been riding Brekenridge, Stowe and Loon a lot depending on where I can stay. Since IKON I'll pick up a few days at Blue. I went to Camelback for the first time in about 10 years last year and was disappointed both visits. I won't be going back especially since they are not 100% open this late in the season. Management 17 years ago did a hell of a lot better job than what they are doing now. When I was there they used to rent about 5 or 6 industrial compressors to increase air so they could have more guns running at max capacity and worried about getting fully open then go back over it and make it deep to cover bad weather. Obviously from what I seen is that Camelback cares more about the water park and hotel more than the skiing part of their business. It is pretty bad that I can go to Camelback because it is included on my IKON except for parking and won't even go there it is so disappointing. Their parking prices for the weekend are higher than parking in the heated Vail Village parking garage for a full day. It is insane. Their season pass prices Blue/Camelback with the add on is as much or more than a full IKON pass then from what I read you can't even get early access if you go to the other mountain in the morning because the computers don't even talk to each other. What a joke. There is too much to unravel in a post about how bad it is.
  4. WTF that place has gone to crap. Not wasting time there this week.
  5. Ski Patrol (guys with red jackets) have to pay for all their own stuff. Jacket, back pack, rope and other rescue supplies and 1st set up of ems supplies in the pack. CB has stock to refill after an accident, but some mountains the patrollers provide their own stuff. (as crazy as that sounds) Plus 120 hours initial training to get OEC, similar to EMT. Then a few days of initial training to ski/board the sled down the hill. 8 hours on the hill per year, and another 8 hours OEC refresher all on your own. And pay $53. membership a year to belong to NSP
  6. I actually told some noob yesterday that it might not be a good idea to sit on the ground at the lift line entrance to the Sullivan. With all the other noobs it was just a disaster waiting to happen.
  7. Gee you probably ask Tele Ben about it I think he was there. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thundersnow During a thundersnow event in late March 1997, lightning struck the main ski lift at the Angelfire Resort in Angelfire, New Mexico after closing time. This caused no injuries, but damaged the only lift providing access to and from the operating part of the mountain.
  8. I was up on top of Camelback last year when we got hit by a freak snowstorm with heavy lightning and thunder. It was pretty scary and luckily no one got hurt. I wish I had a video camera to show how hard it was snowing and all the lightning around at the time. Must have been 8" to 12" in 45 minutes and then the storm cleared out and the stars were out before I went home. Was pretty nuts.
  9. I am going to K-Mart. MC also closed today: Thanks for a Great Season Mountain Creek is officially closed for the season. We want to thank all of our guests for another great season!! See you next winter!!!
  10. I was wondering why the Stevenson was running very slow that day and Sullivan seemed to be turned up a noch. The Stevenson was shut down the 1st day that side of the mountain was open, so maybe there really are some issues with sensors on the lift. Someone said a "pully adjustment" that 1st time and within 45 minutes after a mechainic showed up the lift was back in business. Its better to get everyone off the lift and make the repair than having to be stuck on the lift and being roped down.
  11. All I know is the guy was stuck and took him at least 10-15 minutes of rocking back and forth to get out of his space. The back wheels would spin then the front would kick in every so often.
  12. Maybe Blue got 7 to 8 but up at Camelback they got at least 18" last night. There was 10-12" snow on my truck last night at 7 p.m. and they got at least that much more after I scraped that off. Blue and Shawnee usually get ice when CB is getting "Champaign Power"
  13. I think it has more to do with people not showing up to work because the roads were pretty crappy unless you have a 4x4. My friend's Nissan got stuck in the lot last night and we had to dig him out this moring. Made the best of it and went to the Tannersville Inn then stayed over in Bartonsville for the night. I get through because I have a 4x4. Not everyone who works there has all wheel drive or a 4x4. Winds on top of mountain about 6:30 p.m. were about 45+ mph blowing from the NNE and directly up the hill and the snow was drifting. I was laughing because it was almost making a coronus on top of some trails. In the parking lot it was funny watching a Mercedes all wheel drive SUV rocking back and fourth for 10-15 minutes to try and make it out of their parking spot last night. I guess the old Ford is a lot better than some forign car in the snow just lock the 4x4 and make your own parking spot. The "back" way in was closed last night so had to take the normal way down. On the hair pin turn going down even my truck lost all traction and would not stop, had to steer straight and out of troubble rather than making the turn. CB was even plowing the access road all the way to the light in Tannersville and the roads were still pretty shitty.
  14. Atomic its not me. Don't have the firepower or glass I got CB has a peron who takes random photos of people in the parks and on trails and they sell them down at the main lodge. I guess stop in there and see if you have taken of yourself.
  15. I won't be there this weekend because I am in UT but proll back for the pond skiming event the following week. The e-mail says Camelback got a couple inches of "Champaign" powder this week. WOW Its been quite warm here in UT this week and the powder we are getting out here is typical north east heavy wet powder. Oh well fly a few thousand miles to ski what we have on the east coast. CB's e-mail is below for those of you who don't get it: --------------------------------- Dear Camelback Friend, March is no where near the end of the ski season at Camelback! Spring Skiing and Riding at Camelback is as easy as 1-2-3; Ski or ride everyday until the end of the season for only $123.00 with the March 1-2-3 Unlimited Pass. In just 3 visits it's paid for! Purchase online at skicamelback.com. We received a couple of inches of Champaign powder this week and the skiing and riding at the mountain is fantastic. Our groomers have been hard at work every night tilling and pushing snow so that every morning we can all arrive and make turns on edge to edge packed powder! Early birds get the corduroy at Camelback and you late risers well the snow conditions are fantastic so no matter what time you arrive the skiing and riding will be wonderful. The fun doesn't stop there! On Saturday and Sunday, March 10-11 is Beach Party Weekend! Come dance in the sand to sounds of Flashback on Saturday and Dr. Cheeko on Sunday. On Saturday, March 10 Camelback will host the Mt. Dew Vertical Challenge Series; there will be tons of events, games and prizes for the whole family. On Sunday, March 11 Camelback will host the Mid-Atlantic Snowboard Series halfpipe Championships. Come out and see some of the areas best riders as they compete for points to move on to Nationals in Lake Tao. Saturday March 10th is United Way Day at the Snowtubing Park. Camelback will help the Monroe County United Way kick off their 2007 campaign by donating $1.00 for every paid admission. Come out and tube with the whole family to help support this wonderful event. We are carving turns on a 36 to 76 inch base. If you are looking for nice long groomers we have what you crave; try the Nile Mile over a mile in length, this top to bottom trail offers great pitches and spectacular views. For you intermediate skiers and riders improve your skills on trails like King Tut, Big Pocono and Pocono Raceway. For the experts out there the Front Four of Marjie's Delight, The Rocket (Bump Run), The Asp and The Hump are sure to please; don't forget about our double diamond delight on the east side of the mountain, Cliffhanger! Snowboarders and Twin tippers we have what you are looking for! We have a progressive park that includes rails, boxes, hits and a pipe that are scaled down to help you learn and improve your skills so that you can move on to our bigger parks and pipe. Yes, I said parks; we have 2 more terrain parks with an extensive array of rails, boxes, hits as well as a wall ride and quarter pipe. Don't forget about our new 14 foot high Zaugg groomed halfpipe on Oak Gove. A FREE park pass is required to ride the Rhodo Park and the Oak Grove Pipe; once you receive your pass come and ride to the tunes. Step back in time on Saturday March 17-18 it's Retro Weekend. Saturday March 17th Camelback will hold its second annual Pond Skimming event. All contestants are required to wear their throw back gear from 60's 70's 80's or 90's; if you don
  16. I think I am going to get a hand held wind anemometer and put this to bed the next time there are high winds at Camelback. http://www.windandweather.com/store/Weathe...p;page_number=1 There are anemometers at the top of the Stevenson and Sullivan lifts. I would imagine that the lifte reports the wind gusts to lift operations and based on some formula they have to close the lift. There also used to be weather stations in the lodges years ago but I don't think they work anymore. So until someone gets one of these hand held devices to actually measure the wind, we are just guessing the speed.
  17. Go over to the Blue fourm there may be one or two on there.
  18. Last year we were going to do Powder but ended up going someplace else because the snow was south that day. I am snowboarding so we will probably hit up Snowbird/Alta with me staying on the snowbird side while they are over there. We are deff going back to Snowbasin we had a great time there last year. More than likley PC and the Canyons. We are there for 8 days so we will hit as many as possible.
  19. Well they would have to wait at least a week anyway Me, Tele-Ben, and 2 others are going to SLC/PC for a week. ski911 is going to a diffrent location than us. I think Tele-Ben goes to Blue to mix it up and its closer to home. He also heads to NY and western PA resorts. On my days off I go to Hunter or Killington, not usually Blue. Have not gone as much this year because of scheduling and being sick this past week, but well enough to hit slopes out at PC.
  20. Trust me ski911 is fast.
  21. February 20, 2007 Dear Valued Pass Holder, Last Friday I contacted you regarding our agreement to sell Mount Snow and Attitash resorts to Peak Resorts. Today I'm writing to let you know American Skiing Company has entered into a definitive agreement to sell Killington Resort and Pico Mountain to SP Land Company, LLC, a major area landowner. They will join with Powdr Corp. to form a new venture that will own and operate Killington Resort and Pico Mountain. I want to reassure you that during this transition period our resorts will remain focused on providing you with the terrific experience you have come to expect. All season passes, vouchers and any other advance purchase ticket products will be valid through the end of the 2006-2007 ski season. These products will continue to be valid at all resorts where they previously have been honored. I am confident that you will experience no interruption in service at our resorts. Should you have any questions on your pass products or any other guest service issue, please do not hesitate to contact one of our resort representatives. They will be happy to assist you and answer any questions you may have. Enjoy the snow - winter has finally arrived and with it the best skiing and riding in several years. Sincerely, Chip Carey Senior Vice President - Sales and Marketing American Skiing Company
  22. I was thinking more along the lines of MC, Stratton, K, and Winter Park. Maybe on my trip to Park City I'll take some shots out there of stuff and send them to 911
  23. In the parks out west I noticed that they have green, blue, black and doubble black rated terrain park features. Each feature has a marker similar to a trail marker made for terrain park features. At CB things in Laurel should be listed as green. Seems like you are saying things go from green to black at CB and they need some more blue rated stuff.
  24. Hmmm......I wonder who could do that????? Field Trip!!
  25. I don't do the parks anymore but this is what I have gained talking to people who ride them at CB. Most people I ride the lifts that have park passes don't complain about the park at all, and say its "ok" Last year I had all kinds of complaints from all kinds of skiers/snowboarders. Even the message board has quieted down. So I would say the parks are "ok" because not too many people complaining about stuff compared to the past. (some people will never by happy no matter what--maybe its not the park but their ability) I did receive one comment that the walls of the 1/2 pipe need to be at least 1 to 2 feet higher and straighter. The walls were wavy in the beginning, I don't know how they are now. They say the park passes has cut down the number of people who should not be in the park. Maybe that's why you don't see anyone there because its keeping the beginners out of there and sitting on landings of stuff. Exactly what the pass was designed to do. I think that CB put a lot more into their parks this year compared to last and that really was long over due. The consensus from park riders I talk to: "Its a good but needs more" If say 2,000+ people get park passes this year it shows there is a demand for having a good park to ride in and lager possibilities for the future. I know CB has some type of shoppers panel that visits the mountain, maybe they could get someone from that panel to visit he park and ask some people what they think and what is needed in the future.
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