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About sexkitten

  • Birthday 02/22/1979

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    k2 t9 true luv
  • Sport
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  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mt.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    North Coventry
  • Interests
    Skiing & sex. Money is good too.

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sexkitten's Achievements

Bronze Medalist

Bronze Medalist (8/10)

  1. Good. Gonna try to get up next weekend.
  2. I did and I'll never go back. Though the boots are worse skiing for me is way more fun. There's definitely a learning curve but if I know you you'll be fine after a couple of times out and a few falls.
  3. I like the bar because of the footbar. Knees are much happier if they get a rest between runs. Mine anyway...
  4. I love you guys.
  5. I joined PASR when I first started skiing. I found the site through a link on the Bear Creek website and used mainly for condition and trip reports. As time went on I started posting and it became a place to talk about skiing and eventually a way to meet up and hang out with other skiers and riders who love the sport as much as I do. Every member I met was welcoming and cool and took a run or two with me even though I was easily the worst skier of the group pretty much every time out. I definitely enjoyed the company, conversation, tips, etc. I felt like part of something special… so much so that I became a subscriber and even helped to set up some site events. A year or so ago I noticed an attitude change. Instead of people being welcoming and fun they were clique-y and mean. I’m not going to point fingers or name names but there were and still are people who are outright nasty both online and in person. I won’t lie… my feelings were hurt… but I’m a big girl so I decided to stop posting and disassociated myself with the site. I felt sad that it came to that and to this day I really do miss skiing with other members and hanging out with the Blue Crew. This morning I read that Doug had also been cliqued out and I felt compelled to write. He and I have absolutely had our ups and downs but he was never, ever mean or made me feel like an outsider. He was and I think still is one of the most genuine and helpful members on PASR. Of course he’s also annoying and childish but you take the good with the bad where people are concerned. I’m sure a lot of people here will call me a fan boy and that’s fine cause I am. I am definitely a fan of a person who took the time on a bunch of occasions to ski a run or two with my slow ass. I am a fan of a guy who gave me pointers and tips to help me get better and praised when I actually improved a smidge. I’m a fan of someone who puts every detail of his trips up for me to read and live through vicariously. He’s an asshole, but Doug is one of the few remaining welcoming, kind people on PASR. Rant over. Thanks for reading if you did. Maybe this will help people to lighten up a little and remember how fun and cool it can be to include the people outside of the clique. Probably not. Oh well. Hopefully I’ll see some of you guys out there before the season is over.
  6. No no... I totally learned from it and enjoyed it. I just wanted more specifics from Barb as I often see things the same way she does. Thanks Barb. We have friends with a house out there but I've always been hesitant to go because I feel like it would be a lot of travel time and money for what I'd end up skiing.
  7. He and I are very similar in some ways and very different in others. One of the different ways is down time. He like to work on the house and yard to relax and I like to ski and go to the beach. We compromise. Relationships are a balance Douglas.
  8. Any more TR Barb? I'd love to hear more specifics on what you did and didn't like.
  9. Will Blue still blow at this point?
  10. That made me laugh out loud. I love you GSS.
  11. We don't go to Blue anymore.
  12. There is for me but I still check things out pretty often and harbor no ill will. I also stopped skiing with the people on here cause it started to feel like too much of a boys club for me.
  13. Great TR. Thanks Barb. BTW... we miss you guys!
  14. Belated happy happy PASR! Would be pretty cool to rent a whole mountain but whatever happens congrats!
  15. That hurts Sib...
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