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Everything posted by JDSCHMOO22

  1. Ha ha, I ate it hard 2 years ago, broke my wrist/arm and when the ski patrol asked me if I needed help, I told them they could get me a beer. They weren't amused.
  2. Since there's always debates on whether or not rub on wax is effective, let's add this to the debate. When you buy new skis or a board, do you get it "tuned" or do you just ride it the way it was when you bought it. I've asked this at a couple of different stores, and got a different answer at each. I've always had a new board "tuned" by the store where I bought it, but it's usually included in the deal. Heck, I don't even know what they do other then hot wax it. What if you bought a board online? Just looking for opinions since some friends and I were talking about this...........
  3. has also donated a Subaru Legacy which will have a rail mounted to its roof. That's just insane. I can't wait to hit that.
  4. Hell yeah BC. I knew I bought a new board for a reason. You just justified my purchase, and gave me reasons for more new gear! This season is gonna be ridiculous. Glad to see the east really stepping up with their parks, and BC's really making up for what they lack in vert. Bring on the snow!
  5. Amen to that! Last year my buds and I were taking some vids, setup below/ next to the landings with another one of us spotting the takeoffs and warning others to stay clear, all while not holding up any other boarder/skier from hitting the features. Then a ski patroller came down, stopped in the blind landing area of the booters at the beginning on the park to tell us how dangerous it was to be stopped where we were! This was a prime example of some of the misunderstandings or lack of knowledge SOME of the patrollers have of the park. We went further then many others I've seen taking pics, vids, or just watching. We were the ones making sure we made it safe for our friends hitting the features, as well as making sure our fellow riders, skiers also knew we were there. I don't know that park passes are the answer, at least not for a fee. How did we all learn how to use the park safely? I know I never had a park pass. I agree with the idea, and maybe simply watching a safety video and being able to track that somehow is the best alternative to the problem that has been getting worse each season. Many parents and old timers (respectfully) don't understand that GETTING HURT IN THE PARK DOESN'T JUST HAPPEN FROM USING THE FEATURES OF THE PARK!!!!! Many injuries occcur when you have inexperienced riders/skiers not understanding where to stay clear of, and just don't understand park safety. If it were my business, I'd do everything I could to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all my customers. Free park passes would help achieve both.
  6. The picnic table at BC is one of the easiest features to hit if you're just learning park. Also good practice board sliding.
  7. I have been a Bear Creek boarding junkie for the last 5 years, and they have really improved everything about the place in that time. But after riding Blue for the most I ever have in a season, and with their improvements to their park, add to that the 6 pack and the new lodge, I'll have to get a season pass to Blue for next season. I'll still hit up BC a couple of times a season, but you can't beat the vert and trail variety at Blue, even though I usually stay in the park. Their park had plenty of variety and you still ride down to the quad and hit the lower park on the way. The lines also mover quicker at Blue, and the 6 pack will move more people. Overall the experience is much more satisfying, despite it taking me twice as long to get there. I had a blast at Blue this season and can't wait till they open for next season!
  8. I'm heading out right now, yellow jacket, riding my rock board- old beat up red rossignol. Be with a boarder in a red jacket on his K2. See ya on the slopes!
  9. I'll be up at Blue on Weds. from about 10am to ??? Mostly in the park. Who else will be there? Holla at a PASR!
  10. what a dumbass You almost have to try to fall off a lift, especially with the safety bar down.
  11. Razor def gets more traffic. Thursday, Razor was packed due to the slow conditions in the afternoon. I think it's also a more diverse trail then Challenge. Maybe a little longer?
  12. JDSCHMOO22


    I agree about that rail, but overall, I like BC's park more then Blue's. I spend most of my time at BC because it's closer, but you can't beat the vert that Blue has. For the best overall day, I'd have to give it to Blue. For just park and pipe BC has kicked ass this season!
  13. Make sure you wear wrist guards! I broke my wrist 2 years ago , and it really sucks trying to get it back to normal. Wrist guards will help prevent you from lots of pain, TRUST ME!!! It'll also give you more confidence after coming back from an injury like that.
  14. oh hell yeah! What kind of music should it be? Maybe we can have Doug from Blue rap for us!!!
  15. Or -> did you see that dude in front of me go down on the landing? He screwed me up, I had to go down so I wouldn't plow him.
  16. Screw it , i'm moving, who's coming with me!!!
  17. I don't care where it is, if there's a mountain open in PA in April, I'm there! Of course BC would be a shorter hike without a lift.
  18. I think they've done an awesome job overall this season Especially considering the crazy weather and the amount of features the park has this year, let alone the ridiculous amount of people in the park this season. There have been a couple of times that it seemed to be let go a little too long, but all things considered, this years park has been the best we've ever had at BC. Can you imagine what next seasons park is gonna look like BC rocks!! !
  19. Yeah, I gotta agree. With the snow that we got this weekend, the park and pipe should be as good as we've seen in YEARS!!! With how well the park was kept up early in the season, even with during the warm weather, we all expected BC to have an awesome set up once we got some real snow, let alone a foot plus. I don't know what the problem is, but i'm sure there's a reason Somebody help!!!
  20. oh I hear that, there were a ton of people in the park on Sunday that just didn't belong. It's one thing to check it out, try some stuff, how else will anyone learn? But because of the fresh snow, soft landings, there were a lot of people wrecking, wearing out landings, and just overall screwing it up for those of us who can use it properly. I'm all about letting somebody ride in the park to improve their skills but it's not a place to go and screw around, making the park un-ridable and more prone to injuries. And I have to agree with the features right now. Cascade has nothing, which brings even more people into the park to just ride through and get in the way. Not that they're intentionally doing it, they're just having fun like we all do , but they're still creating unsafe conditions. Having said that, the park at BC has been awesome this year, and management and the park crew have done a great job with the upkeep I'm sure it'll be back to the way we all know it can be. BC rocks!
  21. Sunday was the best I've ever seen at Bear. It was also the most crowded I've seen. Morning was great, afternoon got way too crowded. The parks were slow with the powder, and that led to a lot of people cruising through and getting in the way!!! The usual problems with kids riding around rails, and the usual parents with no clue thinking it's cute Overall though, it was an awesome day, conditions were ridiculous, lots of out of towners there in the afternoon. The place was great, I'll be up again Thursday night in the warm weather.
  22. How I would take care of them............
  23. Statistical theory? Snowfall forecasts??? It's all about bra and thongs sacrifices to the snow gods! I thinks I have speedo around here somewhere
  24. Where would they put a tow or carpet lift? Could they put one at the pipe and the terrain park? That would rock!!!
  25. A couple of us went to BC yesterday for a night session. Super slushy, lots of bare spots lots of mud.... etc. Overall the big park was in great shape for the conditons, however the small park was pretty beat up. I saw lots of sparks coming off a bunch of boards at the top of the park from ice and rocks on edges! Looked cool, but not good for the board! Keep your heads up cold weather is coming!!! BC rocks
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