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Everything posted by DHarrisburg

  1. Quick guys everyone shut up before JFBB management finds out they're running an awesome resort that most PASR members love.
  2. are you surprised that there may be a lot of people who want to snowboard as soon as possible I hate to break it to you but early seasion sessions every year are filled with people who you might not like at the end of the day you will probably have fun considering you are snowboarding in november sooner or later you might realize that no matter what happens you still get to go snowboarding regardless of who might show up it's pretty easy to ignore most of the dumb shit that happens and if you still have fun it doesn't really matter who's there as long as you have a good time, that's all that matters
  3. From personal experience the Stash (as I know it from Northstar) isn't really that awesome unless you get a lot of natural snow :/
  4. Kinda weird too considering none of it was obscene or anything. Seriously though the comedy aspect of this forum that was once somewhat entertaining has devolved into stupid humorless catchphrases spewed in every thread. Step your games up, people.
  5. I just picked up a NIB Raptor for $30 ($100 retail) from a shop that had a ton of Yakima backstock. They had carried Yakima and Thule products for a few years then stopped pushing them once a nearby rack-specific store opened. If you could find a similar store I'm sure they'd be more than willing to liquidate the junk taking up space in their back room.
  6. I just checked Amtrak and I can get a round trip ticket from SLC to Denver for ~$130 so that shouldn't really break the bank or anything. I've got a ton of friends in CO and have been meaning to to come out for years so maybe this year I'll stop putting it off and come out for a week or two. If I put a quarter in a jar for every shit post you make on this site up until the trip I'm sure I'll easily have my travel expenses covered plus some spare cash for drinks.
  7. If I can find a somewhat cheap method of travel and/or find someone to pay me to come to CO then I'll be there.
  8. Glenn I am going to come to CO and let's go jump off stuff ok?
  9. God, this thread sucks.
  10. Only $470 a day of skiing plus food and drink, boy what a bargain!
  11. I know you're young and all but fuck dude come on did you really pay $20 for a poster of the DINGO?
  12. God damn.
  13. Yup, after camp I hung out in Portland for a week and a half or so and then drove down to Salt Lake.
  14. Two second-hand boards for free. Two second-hand pair of boots for free. Some rack stuff for my car. Probably going to drop in on a Park City pass and a Brighton pass once I get some money together.
  15. 2SQ-1-W62TD
  16. Yo Dougie, how's that diet working out for you?
  17. And a lot of people drank too much of the kool-aid.
  18. Please explain how the word of someone who failed to come through on two promises is credible at all. I heard Camelback is going to turn around their parks next year, too
  19. I've got my own opinions about the whole situation but as a HCSC employee posting about them in a public forum probably isn't the best idea.
  20. hahahahahahahaha
  21. awesome where do I sign up
  22. Chippy please don't chime in on topics you know nothing about thanks in advance.
  23. I hope the new owner makes me a mod.
  24. It's really not all that crazy after a day or two of riding, especially if you have a brake.
  25. You're still ruining the structural integrity of the original frame. Skidding is a technique used by a bunch of fixed gear riders to stop without using a brake. It puts a good deal of stress on the drivetrain and I'd imagine that if you fabricated horizontal dropouts on a bike it would be sufficient enough to worry about.
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