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Everything posted by DHarrisburg

  1. I'm coming back to PA for a week and I want to ride some of the resorts I missed out on last year. I know a lot of you have vouchers or coupons for lift tickets and I'd like to buy/trade for them. The resorts I'm most interested in riding are JFBB and Sno but if you have ones for Bear, Blue, or CB let me know.
  2. What if you don't want to win? 3/4 - 3/12
  3. I was on board until the 450.
  4. They're back up again.
  5. 14 pair left of S/M, 39 pair of L/XL just added, here's hoping you see this before they're gone again.
  6. 19 pairs of S/M left on whiskeymilitia right now for $120
  7. Forum.
  8. Just got back from the show, nothing really knocked my socks off this year except for Pat Moore's pro model for next year.
  9. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    What exactly does this have to do with anything? I was using that as a measure of how much someone is a fan of ski racing. The idea was that if you care enough about ski racing to the point where you would subscribe to internet feeds you are allowed to say whatever you want as many times as you want without repercussions, meanwhile if someone replies to your constant stream of posts they become obsessed with the subject matter. Doesn't really make much sense to me but what do I know, I'm not a hardcore fan of ski racing. If you want I could probably waste time digging up near-verbatim quotes that would match what I paraphrased in my post but I'd honestly rather spend my time doing something else.
  10. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    OK, so if one subscribes to an internet feed for a ski race one can make countless number of threads and posts about someone but if another person occasionally replies and disagrees then they are considered a dick rider. Got it.
  11. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    I must have missed the thread where paraphrasing months of identical posts into one line makes you a liar but thanks for letting me know. As far as me being on Bode's dick; who here is is making threads about him on a fairly regular basis?
  12. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    Sorry that I paraphrased the majority of your posts concerning Bode up until the fiasco with his cousin. Point still stands, you would constantly bash Bode for being a drunk who wouldn't adhere to US team rules but now that he's on his own and doing well the only thing you can bring up is weak accusations of being a second-hand cop killer.
  13. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    So is "Bode enabled his cop-killer cousin" the new "Bode is a lousy drunk who will go nowhere after he leaves the US team" now that he's doing well?
  14. There are a lot of awful posts in this thread.
  15. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    I find it a little strange that you wouldn't be interested in the fact that a racer literally rode both skis on a protective fence and still managed to pull it together to finish second in the race but then again you never really cease to amaze.
  16. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    That would probably help, yes.
  17. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    It was a joke.
  18. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    His tech probably just got lucky and picked the right kind of wax for protective fencing.
  19. Shit, if that's the case then I guess I'm a pro snowboarder.
  20. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    Another golden zinger from the King. Thank you for blessing us with these nuggets of wit and witticism.
  21. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    That's a pretty awful comeback from someone who can't grasp basic grammar principals.
  22. DHarrisburg

    Bode News

    A grown man that still can't use the apostrophe properly with possessive forms of personal pronouns. It makes it impossible to then read their meaningless posts...
  23. For the record judging for TransAms is usually done by a mix of High Cascade employees and some times park staff. The judging criteria is a little different from your standard contests so yeah, the guy who does an extra 180 in his spin might not win.
  24. Hilarious image macro from the guy who came into this thread to tell the OP that the trick he wants to learn is stupid and that he should learn a different one. This thread has it all.
  25. See if you had just done this from the beginning rather than stating your opinion as fact then maybe we wouldn't be on page 5 right now.
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