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    Forest Hill Maryland

tak's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. haha that movies so good
  2. by the way i didn't make patrol , they said i was going to fast and not carving enough.... but the other people were going mad slow with these big ass turns and i was still in more control when carving mad fast did i mention they were falling at the lift etc. all i can say is if i get hurt i hope one of them doesn't help me . oh well it was a couple hours of free boarding on shitty snow lol.
  3. i want to go so bad steeze but my parents are telling me no because we're going to wisp the weekend after this one. sorry
  4. oops, i knew that
  5. Sibhusky, i designate it your job to find us the cheapest realeastate in colorado so we can move out there .
  6. it'll be march 3rd, 4th, and 5th when we go :/ PS we're probably going to wisp
  7. damn.... i already went monday and am going thursday night to get evaluated for ski patrol (can you say free snowboarding? )
  8. OMG! looks like i'm actually going next weekend . my mom wants to go to wisp.... but i wanna go to the poconos. i'm going to try and talk her into one of these mountains. i'll be sure to let you guys know which i end up going to.
  9. Hmm, well elk is sounding like a good choice right now but i'm not 100% sure yet. I'll be sure to let you guys know which of them i'm going to so if you want we can meet up.
  10. i really wanna snowboard some somewhat backcountry terrain also(i realize im not gonna get 3 feet of powder), i know they have alot of trees in the poconos so are there many glade trails with a steep slope?
  11. Ok, so march 17,18, and 19 my family is looking for a small ski trip to take somewhere and because we've been the to poconos before we decided it would be a good place to go back to (out west trip is next year ). So anyways what are your guys' recommendations as far as the best mountains to go to? I would love to go to booter just so i can hang with doug and jeff but what other resorts will have decent skiing for the late season? Gimmie some input. excuse any sp mistakes
  12. very interested in the goggles (if still available) :] takklz@gmail.com
  13. tak

    im goin

    going to be there tommorow morning 2/11, anyone else going to be there? let me know and we'll meet up i'll give you my cell number.
  14. tak


    yea i was talking to two park crew people last night on the lift and they said they would have a pretty sick crew if they could hire 16 year old volunteers. they were the ones that told me to yell at the kids going off the side of the trannys<--- (did i use the right word? ) leading up to some of the boxes and rails.
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