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Everything posted by MetalMulisha

  1. how were the boxes and jumps on come around
  2. Justo what is that song in your vid, pretty catchy i must say
  3. where do you guys start you run in for the 70 ft'er? and do u just stright line it or what? also I'm on a board not skis but anything info would be helpful
  4. Last Thursday it was toward the end of the night and I was waitin to hit 55ft booter at the new wide section and i yelled drop as loud as I could towards a group of ski patrol who was standing to the left of the landing and they all looked up at me so im pretty sure they heard me so i went and hit the jump and while i was in the air one of them skied right onto the landing. I was headed straight for him. I missed him by about a foot. I think Ski patrol should be educated in the rules of the park and if they already are it would be nice for them to set and example and follow them correctly. In the end all I could do was laugh cuase he started yellin at me and i started yelling then i just rode away.
  5. Luke is actually from around here. I used to climb with him at Reading Rocks Climbing Gym, before he moved out to mammoth. His parents still live around reading. If he comes back to visit sometime I'm gonna try to get him to come up to Blue with me. See what he can do up there. Yeah he is a pretty hardcore born agian christian.
  6. Who watched the the slopestyle on sat. Shuan whites run was pretty sick, but if T Rice would have stomped that double rodeo he would have won my vote.
  7. Today was really good in the park. even though the snow was nice and soft it was still farely fast. Anyone have a measurement on the last BIG booter before the stairs (the one on the right)
  8. I agree I was at the top of the park today waiting to go and looked down the hill towards the first set of booters. I all I saw was some skier ski right under the lib of the right booter right as a snowboarder was .76689 seconds away from hitting it. Never saw it comin. WWWWWAAABBBAAMMM It wasn't pretty......
  9. I agree It was getting rediculoussss in the park tonight. I saw not just one but three kids ride up to the first rail like they were gonna hit it they turn at the last possible secound and cut three huge V's in the top of the lip I think the one school group was all riding together in the park and they literally had a complete line of people across the trail at the steep section before the stairs. I had never ever sean that where there were so many retards sitting down in a row that there was nooo where to get there. I also saw this girl at the same section where that line later was come flyin past me at light speed for no reason and tryed to stop but couldnt and nailed this guy that was stopped from behind. HAHAHAH he fell right on top of her. Hopefully that taught her alittle
  10. I'll being heading up there thursday. Hopefully get there around 1, after my stupid english exam. Do you think the park gonna be nice and soft or will it freeze over to a giant ice cube agian like Monday.
  11. So what does it consist of these days. It sounds like your hurtin for snow up there. Is it anything worth while?
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