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About pyro_boarder

  • Birthday 08/04/1987

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  • Equipment
    '05 Lib Tech Magna-Traction '05 K2 VMag Bindings '05 Burton Ruler Boots
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    Playing with fire.

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Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. Have you talked to them this year? It'd be great if they still have it, but I have very little confidence it the new management.
  2. I was on the fence about a season pass this year, but the new price scheme may have just pushed me away. $400 for a limited pass? I don't think so.
  3. Thats awesome. I'll be heading up in a bit, hopefully the rain didn't do too much damage.
  4. I saw a few giant snowmen yesterday. There were two about 8' tall and some smaller ones, but thats nothing compared to that.
  5. I really wish I could participate in this, unfortunately I won't be home until the following weekend. Hopefully you'll get a good turnout.
  6. I'm on a 160 Magne-Traction and love it. Unfortunately I don't have much else to offer as I haven't ridden a lot of boards. I'm 140ish, 5'10" it think, if that helps.
  7. There's no point debating whether Camelback should have closed lifts as that's been beaten to death in the past. The point of this thread was to inform anyone who was considering going last night of the current lift situation, something Camelback fails to do officially.
  8. In case any one has plans to go tonight, they closed the Sullivan shortly after 3 and the Stevenson was closed before i arrived. The Bailey Lift and the Mark Anthony Lift were open. You could check the web cam to see if they start running it again but i somehow doubt that. Conditions were mostly hard pack due to the wind blowing snow off of the steep trails. The other slopes were probably ok, but I didn't take notice. Because Camelback insists on closing lifts. It would be nice if someone would at least post lift closures on-line either here or on their website when they decide to pull stuff like this.
  9. Their website is severely lacking in usability. It seems like they ported the old site a year or two ago and never bothered to make sure everything actually worked. As for the trail histories, they're still there but theres no links on the site. I found: http://www.skicamelback.com/rocket.php http://www.skicamelback.com/rhododendron.php http://www.skicamelback.com/johnbailey.php http://www.skicamelback.com/birches.php http://www.skicamelback.com/nilemile.php http://www.skicamelback.com/marjiesdelight.php There's probably more. If you follow the pattern above you could probably find more.
  10. Yeah, there's steam tunnels that run under the sidewalks and it melts the snow.
  11. It was flurrying in State College on my way home from class this morning.
  12. I think from PSU its usually about 8 hours, but the buses always seem to get held up for some reason. Either way its still a long time on a bus.
  13. I haven't got my pass yet. but will be getting the college pass again. Apparently the college pass is the same price after the 15th. CB really slacks when it comes to getting information about their college passes out.
  14. Thanks Glenn There's so much that could be said on this topic. But quite frankly, I don't have the time to waste right now on a bunch of people who can't seem to grasp the concept of rational thought.
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