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    '04 Burton UNINC 158 '05 Burton Cartels Northwave Apollos
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    Bear Creek

Un1nC_ShR3D's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. how many people have you seen hit that? i just feel like theres no way to dial in your speed without taknig a huge injury risk.
  2. grizzly was getting bumped up today. any idea when the we'll get some better jumps on black bear?
  3. Does anyone know or have an club name and password for the discounted season passes this year?
  4. When are we getting a park build on cascade? And why has bear stopped blowing snow? You would think they would be blowing as much snow as possible with the cold temps?
  5. I'm only getting non-discounted prices. Purchasing only One Pass Select Item Price Individual Off-Peak Pass $ 310.00 Individual Unlimited Pass $ 560.00 Youth/Sr Unlimited Pass $ 450.00 5 Under/70+ Season Pass $ 20.00
  6. Any updates on the 2012 password?
  7. "also handrail flat down." Doesn't bear have a double-wide flat down rail? I'm pretty sure i saw it laying over by cascade the entire season. Didn't see it in the parks at all.
  8. So anyone can sign up for the slopestyle you just have to get there early enough before the comp fills with non-invitees.
  9. Friday Feb. 27th Rail Jam Saturday Feb. 28th Slopestyle qualifiers Sunday Mar. 1 Slopestyle finals Apparently you need an invite from Bear to participate in both events. I'm guessing Bear will rebuild one of the parks for this event but which one will it be? Anyone here get an invite?
  10. I did a really nice job of separating the topsheet from the base last week on the tail of my board. i also broke an edge in the same spot. i wanted to see if anyone has experience with the bc tune/repair shop. do they do good work? how about any other shops in the area? http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/fluf.../broketail1.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y173/fluf.../broketail2.jpg
  11. "We have some pretty big things goin on in the near future so it may be a little bit before we start showing the air tank any love." deetz please skeer! today was super nice and not too icy. it looked like it was going to dump on us but guess we were unlucky.
  12. Can we expect features on black bear tomorrow? Judging from the snow they blew today plus tonight they should have plenty.
  13. its in front of the small staircase. it looks like a large black pipe with a green swirl around that resembles a candy cane. had so much fun today. the a-frame was super fun and took a couple of tries to get your speed dialed. didn't hit that many jumps but i'm hoping andy will start to build some on black bear soon. the bleacher box was set up perfectly so you could hit it from both sides. sick opening day bear creek!!
  14. How old are you snowbride?
  15. fdf and wide box, both brand new features!!
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