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    Burton Dominant 151 Burton Mission Bindings
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    Easton, PA

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. BigWig

    Medivac 2

    I was there when they lifted them away. If I'm not mistaken, the same thing happend not that long ago (two choppers in one day) One of the kids was medivac'd with just a broken arm the previous time.
  2. Yes, those are the hips.
  3. Yes hips, I guess snowboarder lingo, lol? The hips are the small jumps on either side right before the double (hit with gap).
  4. They did something to the hips, the take-off is a lot nicer, but it's so easy to overshoot the landing. And is it just me, or is the double a lot smaller now?
  5. Yellow Snow is... I think possibly memeber "destroyjc".
  6. BigWig


    The park has my approval!
  7. I want to check out that "Yellow Snow" video that one of the forums members is putting out.
  8. BigWig

    Your Favorite

    Shaun White because of his age/style.
  9. My guess it two. It should be more like five.
  10. Go ahead, vent.
  11. Haha, I love how accurate my description was. But it truely did suck.
  12. Yesterday sucked and today sucked too.
  13. Why wasn't this newly-improved snowmaking system put to the ultimate test at the beginning of the season? This newly-improved snowmaking system doesn't seem to be making much of a difference from previous years. Hopefully this weather picks up and this snow will stay until the end of the season. Also, I'm glad to have this board, nice work guys.
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