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    technine baltimore bindings.rome artifact.DC's.
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    Bear Creek

customxride151's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. PARK PASSES!!!!!!!!! they work perfectly. at mountain creek it works so well, thats with them charging 5 bucks for a pass, which keeps most noobs, families, and older people out just cus they dont feel like giong over to the booth and fillin out a paper and all that stuff.. it would keep the features in such better shape, no cross step ups to rails with ruts in em from kids going off the side and all the other stuff that it messes up. stratton also has a park pass system for their parks where u jsut gotta watch the smart style video and its free. both are good for all year, they were both like a credit card that you could attach to your lift ticket. it really makes no sense for them not to try em out, a lot more people would be satisfied in my opinion. people just dont understand the park's rules and etiquete if they are only going 1-2 times a yr so even with employees explaining to them why they have pases and stuff would seem like no problem to me..
  2. im thinkin it wont be because of super bowl and thats why im headin up. ill be there at 4 and prob be there all night. i was there last night (friday) and it was amazing, definitely best night/day of the year yet. everything was so perfect.
  3. ill be there around 330 4 o clock after class...cant wait to get back to bear.
  4. yeah i know it was so much fun i want to go back so bad but i dont know if i'll make it this year..when you thinkin they will be closing?? it sucks cus for me to go its like a long day and theres no way i wanna go there on weekends so i guess we'll just see how long they can stay open for...awesome day though
  5. haha yeah dude ..i just watched ur video's and was like damn werent we w/ him like all afternoon?? i hadnt seen them before i left so i didnt know exactly who u were...definitely fun riding around w/ you guys for a little while there, always nice to ride with some new people..
  6. closest mountain to us here is bear creek or blue..then i guess boulder and camelback are a little further..mountain creek was my first time giong up today and it was so awesome,everything built so nice,we loved it...is exactly 3 hrs from school..not a bad drive at all though..awesome first time at mountain creek ..definitely will be back!!
  7. yeah i go to UD..alright ill look for you tomorrow..shouldnt be too crowded being its a tues so im excited.
  8. i think i'm gonna make my first trip to mountain creek this week on tues morning..anyone know the distance that it is from newark, DE (univ. of del)? i google'd it and said 3 hrs 45 min..kinda far.haha.oh well from what i've heard it sounds worth it..let me know what everyone thinks of it lately..ill just be park'in it all day so no need to worry about the other trails...
  9. headin up to blue tomorrow night for some night riding..hopefully conditions wont be icyyy, which im guessing it will be.first time at blue this yr..usually go to bear creek but i figure i should check out blue since people have been sayin its better than bear..anyone be around tomorrow night?
  10. ha that monster rainbow at keystone owned me last year..board went on one side, i went the other, ended up doing a back flip over the rail and landed on my feet somehow, with no problem at all..very lucky ..that coulda been baaaad..that thing is a beast.
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