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Everything posted by dwnhlldav

  1. Are the trails going to open? It says hiking and biking trails closed due to construction, on the webpage.
  2. First off Freerider, nice ride. I just sold my Bighit w/66, and am either going to buy a nice Dslr camera or replace it with a banshee Chaparral. Second, saying you can't ride something or somewhere on a hardtail is pussy talk. Not sure how long you folks have been riding but when I started mtbing a girvin flex stem was then envy of all my buddies. I've owned FS bikes from 4" to 7.5" but still ride a hardtail as my main ride. Last season I rode rigid untill September and rode all the same places including the rockiest stuff you can find in jim thorpe. I'm not saying this to brag, but it is so lame to say you can't ride a hardtail at this or that spot. Yeah I wasn't hitting the DJs or drops over a couple feet on the rigid bike but rocky trails it doesn't matter, the rider does. That being said, I had to stop riding rigid for my main ride because my wrists were getting really aggrevated. There is still a spot in my stable for a rigid bike but for now my main ride is a Single speed hardtail with 130mm of sexy plushness in the front and 2.5" tires. Not even in the box and I already miss it.
  3. WHy the hell would you leave aboard outside the rental shop? Sucks he got it stolen but that was a dumbass move on his part.
  4. I was hoping to be able to make a few runs at the end of the season, but the Lung Doc told me yesterday, nothing strenuous for 8 weeks. Think BC will make it until late april?
  5. I'm not going to be a helmet Nazi. Do what you want. But if more people wear helmets as a result of my crash then I'll feel better about the whole thing. Thanks, Dave
  6. No I nailed my head good. I have a dent thats about 4 inches in diameter on the right side of my helmet. I was knocked out long enough for several people to gather around me and pile their jackets on me to keep me warm. Ended up with a mild concusion that lasted a day at the most. The feeling was, that had I not been wearing a helmet I wouldn't have come out of the woods alive. Or at least the other injuries would have been an after thought. Not sure why I wasn't flewn, guess I was stable enough at the ski patrol and it's only like a 10 or 15 minute ride down to Rutland. It's in the BC forum because thats my home mountain. What irks me most is that I had been ripping the steeper, tighter, nastier trees all day, on Saturday. Sunday morning I was cruising with my buddies and these trees were cake. Guess I was going pretty fast and not really paying attention because they were easy. It'll get you every time.
  7. One week ago I was skiing with friends at Killington. We were doing laps on the easy trees on Ram
  8. Thats crap. Ski woods in New England then go out west. Western Glades are a walk in the park. Ski with a local, they get to the bottom and are like "Those threes were tight" Us easterns are like "Trees? I didn't notice any" Point, Shoot, and hope there is a place to make a turn on the other side of the gap. Thats tree skiing at it's finest.
  9. I love having a ticket good to two places, except when one isn't worth skiing (BB) For me there are two ski areas in the Poconos. Bear Creek, which is close and has great amenities and snowmaking. And Blue Mountain which is taller and I like the terrain there. I have issues with the rest, and if I am going to drive as far as Elk, I'll just keep going to hunter, and if I am going to drive as far as hunter, I might as well do a weekend trip to Vermont. Which I'm doing in two weeks
  10. As I stated in the other thread, they couldn't just turn on the lifts and get people to show up. They would need to build a park and compete with Mountain Creek/Diablo Freeride park right from the beginning or it would never work. And you only need to run the Quad, there's no need to run the old triple/new quad, because it is possibble to pedal a dh rig. I'd be there, as it is now I'm lucky if I get one or two days on my DH bike at Mountain Creek a season, but I normally drive at least an hour every sunday to ride. If BC had a Freeride park and ran a lift, I think my Hardtail would gather dust.
  11. Mark, How about a Mountain Creek/Diablo Freeride park like Freeride park. run the Quad, shuttle mountain bikers and build stunts. I know a ton of people from the NE Philly region buying passes to Mountain Creek. I'd be much happier driving to Bear Creek then hauling my crap up into jersey. But it'd have to be big from the get go or it would never make it. You won't get the revenue you need to sustain it by just opening the left and cleaning up the single track, the freeride park is the key.
  12. I can't really think of a place where they'd be hidden from the public and still accessible. Noise and visual pollution would be a large problem from them. Mark, Glad to hear you guys have looked into the feasibility of the alternatives.
  13. Quit being a pussy. If three hours is good then what is one more hour? Just go to Hunter.
  14. As an aside, and I'm sure I'll get balsted for this, but I'd much prefer to see Bear look into alternative energy sources, Like Wind and Solar. You have a lot of roof space available. Obviously this won't meet all your needs, but my need to ski is not more so then my need to see the places I frequent take a green approach to operations. IMHO installing Diesel generators is a poor choice for a business that must rely on the global average temperature to survive. This is important enough to me that it would greatly influence my decision to continue skiing at bear. Now, running the Generators on recycled Vegi oil, that may be an acceptable compromise. Everyone else: Feel free to diagree with me but please don't turn this thread into a global warming; fact or fiction debate. This is my opinion and for Mark's info. If you want to try and explain to me how global warming is not happening, start a new thread, but we all know that many of us disagree and it'll go no where.
  15. Could you maybe get someone to stand in front of that cliff for scale, because right now it looks little more then a 6 foot drop, hardly worth calling a cliff. At that height, just sail off it full speed and you won't even notice a flat landing.
  16. Looks good
  17. Prediciting short term weather is tough because of the vast fluctuations. Prediciting trends in longterm climate is more accurate because the long term climate is much less variable.
  18. I thought they were doing a DH race as well?
  19. I don't even really like freeskier, but I went with 3 years for 3 bucks, I mean it's worth that just to cut picks out and hang them in my shop and gararge. Powder gets my money most of the time.
  20. what the title says. https://srv01.freeskier.com/sub_center/2for2.shtml
  21. Finally getting around to uploading the photos. I skied Whistler on May 4th. The pic makes it look like a nice day, it was rain in the valleyy and up at the top it was nasty. Blowing snow and whiteout most of the day, I hooked up with a local dude who showed me around. Which is good because in those conditions I was not going exploring on my own. We skied some really nice technical lines that I would surely have missed, we had about 3inches of fresh and in the wind loaded spots you could find 8 to 10inches of pow. But the flip side of the amazing late season conditions is that you'd be skiing nice soft powder then with no visible difference in the snow it became boiler plate, or solids bumps filled in by wind blown snow. It only managed to get me off my skis once, but made for some very interesting saves. Enjoy the summer! just getting on the gondola Rare moments of clarity Top of the mountain is in the clouds in this shot. Good ending for the season, sunset in Vancouver
  22. dwnhlldav

    06-07 plans

    Not a good way to look at it really, Yes the Earth does go through cycles of warming and cooling, But the earth has never warmed at the rate that it is warming now, so yeah it's a natural process but humans are speeding it up, and we aren't really sure what that it will do. Nor are we prepared to deal with the changes that are coming. Sorry to bring it up, but I can't beleive a bunch of skiers walk around totally ignorant to one of the biggest issues facing us as skiers and humans. BTW, feel free to comment if you like, but I won't respond anymore, you'll never change my mind, not that I couldn't change my position, just that someone I know once made the point that if a person isn't a sceintist and can't suspend their feelings and just look at the scientific findings/data and determine for themselves what is happening, then they should just stay out of the conversation. I've done my research, and I've made my decisions based on the information I saw, for and against. Don't just look at what is being told to you, go right to the source and decided for yourself.
  23. Anyone getting any late season sliding in? I made it to Squaw valley at the beginning of april and I am heading out to vancouver next week for work and taking a day to hit whistler. It'll be that latest I have ever skied.
  24. dwnhlldav

    06-07 plans

    Thats quite a leap to go from tree hugger to Eco-terrorist? There a big difference. I'd be considered a tree hugger if you knew me, but I've never blown anything up... in the name of hugging more trees anyway. Ever heard of global warming? Don't know about you but I like skiing on snow a lot better then grass, and it's the "Tree hugging" organizations that lead the fight to reduce greenhouse emissions. They may be saving your snow. So I'd rethink your stance a little.
  25. I think sometime in Novemeber if was filled every weekend into march. Weekday rooms can be had but you are SOL on wekeends. They are already planning another hotel or hotel expansion, I think going up starting in April.
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