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About n0xidee

  • Birthday 09/20/1987

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    Rossignol 157's Salomon 1080s LAB CR with Salomon 12 Bindings 168's Ninthward First Bloods with Look PX12 Bindings 180's
  • Sport
  • Total Vertical
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  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mountain

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Bucks County
  • Interests
    Skiing, water skiing, quading, baseball, parties, girls, paintball, PWCs, cars

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n0xidee's Achievements

Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. I'll be a lurker. But yes, I apologize for the doucheness. Was uncalled for
  2. I dabble. A little here, a little there. Winters don't exist anymore. Doesn't really get me excited when you get like less than 2 months to ski brown spots.
  3. *colleges. Plural. Please don't sell me short.
  4. JJust checking in. GSS still single and renting?
  5. so...... what day....
  6. Good for both.
  7. 26th or 2nd are the only dates I can make
  8. I would like to get out more than I did last year. (which was a big 0) Anywhere would be nice
  9. New beer garden opening this weekend in Philly. Might head there at some point and check it out. http://www.sacbee.com/2012/05/22/4508091/announcing-morgans-pier-the-philadelphia.html
  10. n0xidee


    I'm located in Newtown. Love throwin some shoes around.
  11. My family has a house on Lake Wallenpaupak and I grew up skiing at tanglewood. In the morning we used to go to Montage, then head home and eat/hang out and at night hit up TWood. They had coupons all the time and night time skiing was $8 for adults and $6 for kids. Reallllllly small but when I was younger my brother and I always had a good time. They had one decent length "lazy mile" type to the far right side that was enjoyable. Last thing I remember was them making it into tubing I think
  12. but army navy has sweet burton snowboards for like $75!!!!
  13. Possibly heading up tomorrow if we get rained out at work. Just gonna follow the storm. Who knows though.
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