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Everything posted by KUboarder

  1. lol im all about the ALL BLACK, i got black pants, jacket, and boots. lol plain but gets the job done.
  2. Ahh i was there for the trick comp. It was decent... nothin real special. But i dont understand y they always build the jumps up and then basically destroy em and make em crappy again afta its over. Makes me sad.... lol. But anyone else goin to vermont to see the Snowboarding us open this year? Ill be there!
  3. i think i know who ur talking about. His whole outfit is green and blond plaid kinda camo stuff. I didnt think he was anyone special. Me and my friends arent amazing but we film up there 2. U see a kid wit a yellow jacket doin backside rodeos, front and backflips, adn all other kinds of shit. Look at the side of the jump and im the one filmin him lol.
  4. yea we gotta pray 2 some snow god or somethin lol. Im not very religious but anyone who is do something!
  5. yo, i couldnt make it up this week but can anyone tell me if bear is still bare? i mean have they been sprayin at all lately? i was up last week and was cuttin right into mud at some points so im just wondering if they been sprayin overnight at all. please give me update! thanx
  6. yea, my boy bought the tickets. hes not all there sometimes. Its our first time ever buying passes and we plan to buy em for years to come. its our first year in college so... long story short, i just needed to vent. I understand all the other rules of the mountain though. waiting on the sides and shit. I hate wen everyones waiting to call their drop in patiently and people just come flyin around not carin about all the people waiting.
  7. yea i understand that, but how hard did u have to look for that. Its not right there in the open. i found that too and i understand it. But its the principle. there were 2 hours till 4, i payed 170 bucks for the pass just cause i got it early bird special AND bought more than one at that time.i got me and 6 friends to buy together. Next year because they treated us like shit, there losing an entire dorm. Were goin to blue mountain man. At least blue mountain understands the concept of business. Where i work our work slogan is to provide the guest with the best possible experience. If a customer or guest has a problem, we deal wit it and FIX it the best and quickest way we can. Just cause were a good business and we dont wanna lose a single customer. They treated us like shit and just blew us off like we didnt matter, thats the only thing i didnt like about the whole situation.
  8. man i can never get the webcam u can control to work. It just shows a blank screen wit a cup. Damn it!! lol
  9. see we drove an hour and a half since we go to skool there but live far. So it sux, the site said weekends and holidays afta 4. any other time. WEll Wednesday after christmas wasnt a god damn holiday!! thats y we went up. We go every wednesday and i work the other 6 days a week so it sucked. Wat i dont understand is they scanned our passes 4 times wen we went up the lift then on the fifth time after about 2 hours of riding they say oh u cant ride b4 4. I was like wtf, it worked wen u scanned it wats the problem. im just pissed mostly because of how they handled the situation. It was beat. THey didnt show that they cared at all. they just blew it off since im only a "college snowboarder" i dont matter apparently
  10. Hey guys, im just wondering who else uses the off peak passes. Week after christmas blew so much . They had security escort about 10 of us off the mountain and there were a shitload of other people there. Anyone else pissed about how they treated us. They said its posted all over their site that we couldnt ride that week wen i talked to them. THey said there was nothing we could do, they said go spend more money and buy a 4 hr pass. THey showed no compassion. I was so pissed. Any of u guys deal wit it 2? Just super how they take better care of the people who buy a day pass once a year over those of us who buy passes each year. ... other than that its not bad. Cept the NO SNOW on the mountain lol. I was heelturnin the other day in the park all the way to the left(if ur lookin up the mountain) and i cut right into mud and leaves lol. But its got to get colder i guess. Peace Please watch the word choice
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