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Everything posted by guitar73

  1. looks like we should be getting some snow here soon. I saw hints of something this weekend and for Monday/Tuesday........ *fingers crossed*
  2. should be there....undecided if sat or sun.
  3. I prefer skis on the narrower end of the spectrum. I have fully rockered volkl rtm-81's that I love. I've taken them out west and wasn't disappointed. my other skis are blizzard brahma sp (88 mm, tip and tail rocker). had those out last weekend and they killed it....looking forward to seeing what these do in "the greatest snow on earth" in march. in the end.....ski whatever makes you feel happy!
  4. guitar73

    DPS Phantom

    i know, but i was objecting to the phrase "hating on". that's not what i recall going on. there was no ill-will or similar discussion had.
  5. guitar73

    DPS Phantom

    wow, just wow. not what I recall.
  6. lots of fun today. glad blue was able to keep stuff open this early in the season.
  7. we're gonna be there Saturday.
  8. we used to do nite skiing at bc. I'd pick up tinymoose at the ft Washington train station and be at bc in 50 mins. now, we do the adult racing clinic at blue mtn (Thursday nite this season).....a bit further, but we can work from home those days and get an early start to the drive up. it's all about how much you really want to get on the snow.
  9. about 30 mins north-west
  10. I really liked the old-school vibe at brighton. also, lots of terrain variety in a smallish footprint.
  11. yup. while wide trails are def a blessing mid-season, I can def see how it would delay early season openings.
  12. a co-worker of mine told me that montage isn't planning to open for at least a couple more weeks. (he had called the mtn to inquire.) hopefully the upcoming weather is colder than expected so they can blast tons of snow and getter open!
  13. I dunno.....that's a magical spot for sure.
  14. tinymoose and i were there today and it was better than i expected. i suppose since we got there just before 3, the crowd was very light. that was nice b/c the trail width that was covered was about 2/3 of the full trail. several rails, kickers, and a box near the bottom were set up. the snow was quite sticky/moist, which causes several areas of death cookies/marbles...but those were easily avoided. we stayed until 4:30-ish b/c we were getting hungry, and loads more people started to show up then. apres was at boulder view tavern, where i had the beef short ribs (fabulous). it was good to get back on snow, even if it was only freedom park. stoke level rising for this season!
  15. this is good news! hoping for turkeyday turns!
  16. it's getting real, lol!
  17. we're planning to head up saturday. #racersready
  18. guitar73

    Tent sales

    just watch out for those buried rocks!
  19. guitar73

    Tent sales

    yikes, that is a lot for a stone grind. hell, for that kind of $$ I'd expect a full tune and binding check!
  20. 1000 vert ft is top tier by PA standards. I find the variety on the north face to be OK for PA standards as well, and def more diverse than anything at Blue Mtn. Blue Knob may have a bit more diversity, if you include the gladed areas. most of their steep trails have similar character and feel IMHO. everyone knows that razor's edge at Blue Mtn is probably one of the best trails in the state for sustained, continuous "steep" skiing (but it's not really that steep), but it's usually closed off and used for the racing events. like JFskiDan says....it's only PA skiing, so it's probably best to bounce around to get a decent mix of stuff. (at least that's what tinymoose and I do).
  21. guitar73

    Tent sales

    thanks JFskiDan for starting a separate thread. I was too lazy, lol. here is the link to my OP. https://www.paskiandride.com/forums/topic/19230-ski-season-17-18-thread/page-5 I'm headed down to KOP buckmans this afternoon to drop off some fleece pullovers. I was at alpina's sale on sunday and it was crazy busy.
  22. I didn't realize any PA hill had a demo fleet available.....hmm.
  23. tent sale season is upon us! here are a couple upcoming of which I am aware. please feel free to add to this list. buckmans: 10/11 thru 10-14 and 11/8 thru 11/11 (see https://www.buckmans.com/buckmans-ski-snowboard/Buckmans-Tent-Sale.aspx for consignment drop-off dates and locations) alpina/940 boards: 10/6 thru 10/8
  24. starting to finally feel like fall once again!
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