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    '05 Burton Dominate
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    Skier & Snowboarder

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Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Don't know if it means anything but I just got back from a week in tahoe and the terrain parks there suck compared to bears.... although there were some bigger hits. Just thought I would toss out a compliment since all the high schoolers here are only capable of whining.
  2. ? when does Icey equal best conditions of the season.... we aren't sking in South Carolina.
  3. So if it is so Sh*tty why is this on the website? ----------------------------------------------------- Come out and take advantage of the best conditions of the season! Date / Time: 02/27/2006
  4. sounds like someone ran out of tampex
  5. If you were a little tougher it wouldn't matter......
  6. I've seen this kid up there a couple times and they were filming yesterday... anyone know who this is.
  7. Wow you are definately a little bitch to let some girl already start telling you what to do. Weak as hell dude. Weak as hell.
  8. True dat.
  9. Yeah I've come to find out you can't really rely on some people's reports. They are always going to say it is awesome just to sell their mountain. Like when it has rained and been above 40 degrees for 4 days and they say there is plenty of snow and that they are blowing snow. I'm going to have to call shenanigans.
  10. Man it was pure slush on saturday and it has only been warmer since then.... how can it be any good.
  11. BadMrFrosty


    No its at least 500. I had my gps watch out there the other day and it was showing around 550. Its acurate to within 30 ft.
  12. That definately sounds like a move...... That is hilarious if anyone asks me what I'm doing tomorrow I'm going say petting the animals.
  13. I like kickers... tried a rail once and ate it. Any suggestions about trying to start to do rails. I haven't been snowboarding that long. Still need to get a helmet as I crushed my head and goggles at cammelback two weeks ago. Any recs.
  14. Is timberline open? I just called and they said it was but the website says closed. What parts of the park will be open tomorrow? And what does it have? also, Conditions report would be cool if anyone has been up there recently.
  15. Hmm.... can't someone just take your bindings off?
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