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Everything posted by Blong131

  1. ok so a few days ago i was thinkin about how my cheapie bandannas jsut arent that warm, and i decided that needed to change. evrywhere i looked was sold outta those neff fleece lined ones, but ther too expensive anyways. so i had an idea. I'd take this faux fur my mom used to sew me a lions costume when i was like 6, and id sew it into a bandanna. heres what it looked like: here it is from the front. it looks like a normal bandanna u cant even tell thers somthin crazzzy goin on inside (sorry its all wrinkly it was worn for a night) and then here it is from the inside. that furry goodness is sooo warm. I know it looks sketchy...it looks much better in person yea so i wore it last night, and it was soooooo warm. and really easy to breathe with it on. and it wasnt itchy like it looks like it might be overall, its the coolest thing iv ever sewn (though that doesnt really say much) anyways, just thought id share, cuz i thought it was pretty cool
  2. wooo i went today and i was verry happy...evrything was relly nice in my oppinion...i relly wanted to hit that second jump that the crew was workin on like all morning but it wasnt done when i had to leave...but it looked soooo nice they worked relly hard on it...props to the park crew they wer workin mad hard on evrything i thought the first jump on black bear was really niice it was my first time doing threes on it and i felt like i was spinning relly smooth...i jsut couldnt get my landing locked down (i actually managed to bust my chin up real good) i thought most of the rails seemed kinda sticky but i guess its expected after they had the blowers goin on em...but other than that evrything was set up real nice
  3. ill be ther at 8...till prolly 11ish...if ur in the park and u see the short kid with the big skullcandy skullcrusher headphones studded anon gogs and burton dominant holla at me the names brandon
  4. i was thinkin itd be really fun to hav an up box gap to barrell bonk
  5. turn it sidways and just make it a short high box
  6. nvm...its a fredzing rain snow mix...yuck
  7. wtf its jus raining here in emmaus
  9. i think it was like 2 years ago...srsly someone jsut act interested and ill get u a pic...i need money for my cars system and senior week in caboooo
  10. wow i had no idea...i paid just over 100 for it if i remember right i guess jsut make offers then?
  11. do the lines come with bindings? if not what size are the holes drilled for?
  12. intrested in trading the lines for my snowskate? and how far outta emmausPA r u?
  13. id like to get 70obo i might also be interested in trades depending on what uv got
  14. i kno, i havnt posted in a while... anyways iv got this butron bideck...i rode it like twice last year and im thinkin i dont hav much a need for it this season....its in real good condition its like new ill put up pics if anyones seriously interested
  15. we gonna get some results or pics soon?
  16. ill second the 32 the lashed i love mine
  17. ugh now i dont think im going...my friend said he doesnt want to cuz of the impending weather...and i hav to go with a friend...any chance this would get postponed due to weather?
  18. what time do u think itll be over?
  19. whaddabout the passholder railjam u were talkin about?
  20. i think im gonna go up
  21. Blong131


    ok so bear creek has sooooo many rails and boxes they dont even use i think they should hav an auction or raffle at the end of the season for passholders so as to share the wealth for summer sessions...is this feasable BC?
  22. i agree with youngbloodz i hav athsma too and when someone smokes on the lift i go into a coughing fit they should hav the courtesy to ask
  23. the secret to days lke that...get in by 8 and out by 12 me and my friend did that and it was sooo nice we never waited more than a 2 minutes for the lift
  24. it started up again in emmaus i hope this is a second coming and well hav off school tomoro
  25. YESSSSSSS its shifting back to snow thers huge snowflakes mixed in right now im gonna go snowskate...
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