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Everything posted by Blong131

  1. this sleet sucks
  2. ^ what exactly does that mean?
  3. wats the set up gonna look like?
  4. how r the divisions set up? is it like beginner to expert or by age?
  5. nahh i didnt catch the double, mad props to him for tryin tho...is he doin okay today? i saw the paramedics, but didnt actually see the flip
  6. i was up ther tonight from 4 to 8 i hit the small stairset for the first time and let me jsut say that is the best feature in the park its soooo smooth and the ride in is just perfect other than that i still love the cliff, droppiin that thing feel so good i didnt liek the new rail setups the first flowbox ur launched like halfway onto it and also park crew could u fix the flat gap down flowbox at the bottom? its like not aligned right and throw u off to the side i went up with molz0625 and saw my new bud paolo in the lodge at the end of the night overall, a little icy and the jumps wer a little rutted, but the small stairs made my day an i think its the best feature in PA
  7. not that anyone cares, but it not for sale anymore i got rid of it...picked up a hifonics brutus which will be perfect
  8. LEAVE THE NIPPLE and making the tree bonk bonkable would be cool too and other bonks
  9. mine came today ill be testing it friday....and stickerslapping blues 6pack poles...
  10. ok so about a week ago i bought this MA M1900xe digital monoblock amp to run my hifonics atlas sub...but i realize now that i misread the specs and this thing really isnt quite powerful enough...so im looking ot get rid of it...its has never been used and is still in factory packaging. make an offer? ill post pics if u want, heres the specs: # Mono Block High Performance Amplifier # Subsonic filter: 20-50Hz # 1 x 500W RMS @ 4-Ohm Mono # 1 x 1000W MAX @ 2-Ohm Mono # Dimensions (HxWxL):2" x 10" x 13" # Variable High/Low Pass Crossover 50-250Hz # Variable Bass Boost 0-18db @ 45hz # 3-Way Protection Circuitry # Full MOSFET circuitry # 2-Ohm stereo stable # High/Low level inputs # Low level outputs
  11. the cliff drop was sick too i had so much fun with that...but kids need to learn that its a cliff drop and not a drop in...there were kids sitting on the edge that i basically ran over while screamin at them
  12. the nipple is my favorite feature... they better keep it
  13. pet the dog! seriously i was told that on boardslides if you bend down to"pet the dog" your balance will be perfect. and it helped me soooo much
  14. i kinda thought it sucked...and i want to say that the swingset is the most wothless hunk of metal EVER created...i dont even understand the purpose of it" but i must say, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd hits were set up super nice... but best part was the redcoat standing at the top of sidewinder bitching how the new entrance was the stupidest thing ever created and how it made absolutely no sense at all...i jsut laughed.
  15. sidwinder was basically one big death cookie...but it was set up preetty nice
  16. sweet, thanks so the cash got there ok?
  17. im goin up with EHS's ski club...dont hate anyways if u see me dont be afraid to say hi i hav a dark grey burton jacket, light grey 686 pants, a burton dominant (last years), bad leuitenant helmet, and anon goggles with the studs. im real small (5'4") too. the names Brandon, give it a yell and see if i look up
  18. moneys in my mailbox right now
  19. moneys in the mail tomoro
  20. 20% chance of snow showers sunday into monday. anyone who does not make a solid attempt at pleasing the snow gods should be baned from the site. 30% chance of snow thursday into friday. same rule should apply.
  21. he jsut said in another thrad that ther shootin for tomoro
  22. i was up there with my ski club...and i must say that most of the kids were pathetic and annoyed me...but u cant catagorize all ski clubbers this way. me and the 2 friends i rode with practices smart style the whole time, and the only problems we may hav caused is "riding out of control" and "jumping" on burma road (ski patrol can suck it) i must say i was very happy with the park. i hated the first jump but loved the second, all the boxes were set up nicely, and that butter box is my new favorite learning tool...i learned presses and spins on that last night!! i must say my favorite is the ski clubbers in the lift lines with delusions of grandeur. the ones who are like "man i 50-50ed to fronside boardslid on that box! and i almost made it to the end! im definitely nailing that trick next time" and u know that ther the ones that are going in with zero speed, losing control and spining of to the side on the box, then sliding off the edge. props to the park crew tho, even thoug hi think they should have more set up
  23. it was snowing during our physics class so i got the whole class to run outside and hav a snowball fight it was sick and our teacher was cool wit hit too cuz hes the man wooooooow run on sentence
  24. any way we can get that liability waiver online...cuz my parents cant go up with me but i can prolly come alone
  25. ill second that
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