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Everything posted by Blong131

  1. so all of a sudden pocket protectors arent cool?
  2. can i fill it with soda, redbull, koolaid or haterade for added steeze? or is it water only?
  3. i like the michael jackson action on the box in the opening segment...im gonna hav to learn that one...mad stylish
  4. well i guess BC is officially closing but watevs i leave for AZ tuesday so hoppefullly it will be awesome by the 29th when i get back
  5. dammit i have to work thursday!
  6. dc mtnlab setup for opening day PLEASE!
  7. BC=god
  8. so u didnt answer my original question... are u printing in house or outsourcing?? and also... what brand tees are u using? (if ther american apparel i definitely want one)
  9. are u printing urself or outsourcing?
  10. yay for sale pending! check will be in the mail tomoro...
  11. i wish i had the cash for it
  12. little kids cant ride over stepdowns
  13. howbout absolutely no ride on rails in the main park....save all that for the beginner park...that would prolly cut down on traffic....like if u had no ride on rails and all step downs rather than tabletops ud get alot of the people who dont belong out
  14. what? im a guy
  15. im 16 and im 5'4" 110 lbs....come might say im small anyways for the last 3 years iv been riding a forum 135(i forget the actually board tho) but i kno its a kids board this year im switching to a mens board, but i must say the kids board was real nice...i dont think i really helped at all, but i dont think u can go wrong either way just doont make the mistake i see some parents doing and buying a gigantic board saying "shell grow into it" ior "it has growing room" or whatever....shell hate u for it...get her the board that fits her right now
  16. is there gonna be any kinda barrelbonk or anything?
  17. i might get in on this if my group falls through....but right now it looks as if ill be the leader of a 25 person group
  18. yea lccc is like that too...rails littered all over the place and stuff...liek evry kind u could imagine...are all colleges liek htis?
  19. Blong131

    this end up -->

    yay thanks thats what i thought
  20. u have ot be discreet iwth street racing too but thers still forums on that
  21. y? its not like we;re sayin when well be there or anything, or even that were doing it...its more hypothetical
  22. ok so i thought we could keep liek this running list of urban rails and maybe when it gotbig it could be pinned basically just post where it is, what kinda rails are there (kink, flat, mellow, etc.) what type of railing it is (round, double, flat, hubba) if ull need a drop in, and anything else u think is important
  23. Blong131

    this end up -->

    i feel really dumb for asking this but how do i know which end of my directional twin board is the front?
  24. Blong131

    32 The Lashed

    just to put it out there...i didnt try on the boots by taking up a salesman's time...they had the boot out on the rack in a 8, 8.5, and a 9 depending on the color...so i jsut pulled them all dowwn and tried them on myself, while this kid who worked there just sat there and we talked about random stuff (where we like to ride, what we ride, what gears cool this year and whatever) i made it clear that i didnt intend on buying it right there and he was cool with that
  25. Blong131

    32 The Lashed

    i tried them on in the store o i kno they fit and does nestors charge for the molding? and do any other places do it?
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