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Everything posted by Blong131

  1. music would be sick how bout some aesop or atmosphere?
  2. i love that song
  3. aesop - big bang at the drive in - catacomb they would be my 2 choices
  4. i was there today...its actually a pretty cool idea...and i noticed it got alot of kids out of the park that didnt belong
  5. Blong131

    edgeless boards

    are there any other edgeless boards out ther other than the streetdweller and the dominant slick?
  6. ill be at bear in an hour im like 5' 3'' with a grey denim burton jacket, giro bad leitenant helmet, oakley goggles, a forum 135 and peice-o-crap burton step-ins my name is brandon drop me a holla u could also just look for the kid eatin sh*t on evrything
  7. dude i know how u feel....i did that 2 weeks ago on the rolllercoaster rail at bear...im not positive it was the roller coaster rail but thats what all my friends told me and im sure they saw it sorry to hear about the goggs
  8. this might sound dumb but i think accuweather is toning down ther predictions cuz they hav been wrong sooo many times and plus, we all know were gettin 12 freakin inches
  9. how would u use ur pole to apply the stickers? or was that a joke
  10. i cant really decide if im into that dominant...its mesmirizing...but i really like the look of the co2 and brew bindings and the ion boot howd u find that? edit: they did a good job with the way ther promoting the dominant tho...."just lookin at it will make u sick"...i like that
  11. aesop,atmosphere,murs
  12. Blong131

    ski sizing?

    there k2 minienemy twin tips if that would make a difference at all
  13. Blong131

    ski sizing?

    i have no clue how to size skis, but i would like to start skiing. what size skis should i be using if i'm 5' 3" 100lbs? i can get a pair of 136's really really cheap but will whese work for me? or will i just look like an idiot on oversized skiblades?
  14. haha that was awesome....i wish i was that good
  15. yea its pretty funny if one of the kids in my group of friends slips out on a rail we all yell "pet that dog!" and we get some weird looks sometimes haha
  16. Blong131

    lost cell

    yea...i trash phones like crazy...i think this one was my 7th? and no offense downhill dave, but im not gonan tell my parents not to get me a phone haha
  17. i read somewhere...i think it was transworld..when doing boardlides...it sounds dumb but "Pet the dog" and ull almost never slip out...just bend overl ike ur trying to pet a dog and that weight shift will be perfect
  18. i was so mad today i was goin to hit that broken up box box thing at the bottom of kodiak and this kid on rentals just dicides to SIT DOWN on the jump onto it...i yelled that i was droppin and he looked at me like i was crazy.... but why would you sit down right there?!?!?!
  19. Blong131

    lost cell

    i did do pats...i always do...so i know the exact run and i think i know the fall i lost it on...but i kept redoin that run (kodiak park) and i saw nothin...it pretty mucch just sucks
  20. Blong131

    lost cell

    my friend and i tried that for like an hour...no luck...so now my dad froze my plan (incase some crazy picked it up and is makein calls to puerto rico with it)...im guessin someone picked it up thats y im tryin to get word out...see if someboby knows sombody who knows somthing...
  21. Blong131

    lost cell

    im sorry to post this, i know u probably dont care, but a iwas at bear today (thursday) and i lost my cell phoen. its a samsung flip phone with a big US soccer sticker on it....my parents are super super angry so im just hopin maybe i can find someone who knows somthin jut tryin to get the word out, PM me if u know nething
  22. i havnt been to bear in like 2 weeks (iv been grounded) but ill probably be goin up thursday...can someone tell me what kinda hits are in the parks? have they put up any new rails? have they changed the rollercoaster so it doesnt lean to the right?
  23. papasteeze...are they in good enough condition that they are rideable? and does anyone else have anything?
  24. not really interested in the subs, but keep the ski offers comin
  25. its not that i dont think its a great deal, cuz it seems like it is, but im really short on cash right now....i turned 16 last weekend, so i just got a car, and id like to put a better stereo in that...im justn ot sure that i want to put 100$ + into a sport im not totally sure about
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