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Everything posted by Jar3d

  1. ya, when u got long landing anythings possible, i hit it full speed and still didnt even clear the tranny on the landing, prolly around 50-60 ft before i land
  2. one park setup is: tree jib, flat box or flat rail, urban downrail or rideon down rail, 1st jump ( 30degree landing ) , hip, 25ft 2nd jump ( was throwin cork 7's off of and floatin backflips , was pretty legit ) stall on the skiers left after jump, new 10'x10' flat down rail or the up rail, into the quarter pipe and flat rail, then finally a wall ride and new 24' box.
  3. i rode up there towards the end of the season, and i absolutely love the terrain in all aspects and will return next year, no doubt
  4. fluff you crack me up
  5. hows the mount snow park, im goin up ridin for the week with some friends
  6. now thats what i call layin pipe HARD
  7. i learned my first backflip in my backyard on a pair of 120cm skis then i took it to the slopes... its a basic trick once u overcome the "fear" and for those who can underflip, i suggest throwin a truck driver in the underflip, everytime i go to throw a underflip "truck" i end up doing a cork 5 truck.. pretty fun
  8. i agree, but you forgot something very very very important CHECK YOURSELF BEFORE YOU WRECK YOURSELF
  9. what up papa steeeeez i should be up there whenever i get back from job fair then movin furniture for some lady.. i got the chance to make snow last night and im settin up a rail tonight so ill be jamin all night
  10. everything was real nice, the bigger jumps they have were perfect.. rails and boxes pretty much everywhere on the other trails
  11. well its 655 and i never made it up there sorry nick =( go to boulder tomorrow
  12. i beleive its all melting as i type
  13. im goin up at like 5 tonight
  14. whatttt im DEF gonna be there
  15. darn, i was gonna go tomorrow owell i think we are gonna try blue
  16. worddd hopefully i get up there again so we can get some more filmin in with our camera too
  17. not sure maybe white 1080s
  18. in comparison to snomtn.. big boulders parks are all about flow.. even with the spring skiing factors i was able to clear all the big hits on bb if i were to keep my momentum goin.. bunnys was pretty nasty desipite one feature that you couldnt get enough speed for unless you skipped the first 3 features.. all the rails were tight in the snow, no legs showin. park crew was keepin everythin nice of course.... =)
  19. snowdrift and drauf are freeride trails untill they add features to them.. not sure exactly when thats happening tho...
  20. i feel ya, the first run on the park i met up with a kid i knew from school.. he started throwin down pretty hard once we got a few runs into it, tried his first cork and im sure it wont be his last hes a local there, his name is alex brozena if u kno him
  21. jumps were good, started workin on some cork truck 5's untill my boy broke somethin in his elbow region on that double barrel rail. i would suggest setting that up as a pure urban downrail, its currently setup as an urban with a gap on.. not so safe.. just a tip
  22. big boulder park lodge will be open and they got a huge portable bbq setup on the deck..
  23. they are adding rail features daily when they have time ( according to park crew ) they are doing like a 5 park for 25 bucks.. BB, drauf, bunny, snowdrift, plaza
  24. lol... a whole lotta nothin
  25. northface>bb ill be there in a few hrs chillin in the park and on the nf
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