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Everything posted by Jar3d

  1. As method said, the crowd is less on JFs ONE park and we added a few new features and switched up a few rails for your pleasure... Current park status for the 29th at JF ONE: rolls barrel bonk double barrel down rail 20-25ft booter 20-25ft booter 1.Two feature hit: SL: 40ft Single barrel rail SR: 30ft Flat box 2.Two feature hit: SL: 30ft wide down rail SR: 40ft Up rail As for the Janes park: Ride on 25ft wide flat box Ride on 25ft wide rail Small tabletop jump Ride on A-frame rail Ride on 25ft wide flat box
  2. as ben was saying.. we are very interested in what you think of our parks as far as setups and current conditions.. please comment to park crew members ( usually on foot ) with what you think... the more feedback we get, the better. also, look for a new feature on frost's ONE park for friday december 29th. 40ft Street rail more snow is on its way from our snowmakers, its only going to get better here at JFBB
  3. ill be workin frost from 9-4 all week long fixin jibs n such
  4. http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=4334644 this is the down rail on ONE park at jackfrost after its daily fix
  5. whatttt u dont wanna go to frost? frost is legit. our park crew over there is killin it making everything nice and proper, there are also a few smaller lower to the ground boxes if u wanna start to learn a spin on the box
  6. i think me and shane are gonna be the skiers on our team, im not sure about the other 2
  7. ur straight up nosey lol
  8. atleast we got a bunch of legit jibs now.. and personaly i didnt like how they set up some of the features compared to the ones at frost
  9. but for real, i hope they reconsider starting/finishing that widow park.. i beleive there should have been some jibs up on it already.. on the site the other day it said that they were building the terrain park on widow.. they never did.. i hope it doesnt happen again and its open for today at 3pm
  10. ........so beat
  11. in my opinion, the boxes were set up alot better, more of a gap, better tranny onto boxes and the jump they got is like 20ft but it throws u pretty nice.. its worth to go ride for a few hours.. the other slopes were decent, i got there at like 3pm and skied for an hour, it was a lil icy
  12. i got my ticket checked by this same guy tonight a total of 8 times..
  13. well with the amount of snow they are making id say there is a good chance to see alot of park open at both jf and bb.. there were a total of 3 jibs, the 2 you see and a 30ft WIDE box for now..
  14. ill be chillin on the park again orange jacket, grey pants ill be throwin down
  15. i was there today, they are def pumpin the snow out everywhere.. check the website www.jfbb.com they tell you what ones they are blowin on..
  16. put up something nasty
  17. i was told it was called a broken, i wanna throw it down on that battleship box nastyy
  18. me and a few cats from bb were throwin down today, it was gettin pretty slushy n slow but we still threw down... im sure tomorrow it will be fully melted but here are a few pics from a camera phone
  19. na. i got myself a pair of dynastys
  20. haha right on jibs were ultra smooth, i cant wait to hit those other jibs they got, big boulders that is =)
  21. whats the latest on the highspeed quad and new trails?
  22. we gonna rip that up
  23. that 40ft street rail is gonna be nastttyyy
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