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Everything posted by Jar3d

  1. yea i got a mini sm4 setup with a pretty sick nuc nozzle i landed off of spray.com i ran it last night at around 4am-730am and made around a foot of snow so now i can throw a jib up for this weekend, if i can get another few hours in tonight ( weather pending ) then i can prolly get a lil jib ses goin on with this new box i fabd up
  2. ill be makin snow tonight as soon my thremo hits 27, what kind of setup u got shifty?
  3. i saw a few on top of tbolt near the end of the lift =)
  4. idk about frost or boulder but ill be makin snow at my house so i can jam it out =)
  5. i wonder if boulder is gonna have its own freestyle team this year
  6. remember that 100ft rail they said they were gonna do up at boulder, i wonder if they are gonna follow through with that. And if u like complete it or something u get a free season pass, or if u get 16ft outta the pipe, idk if they were rumors or not
  7. http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...ost&id=1058 that would be sick if they actually followed through and made all those trails
  8. like last year? ha =( atleast we got 2 new park cats and a whole lotta snowguns.. so i think our problem last year was that we didnt have enough snow to build after that huge melt, and by the time they made snow, we were last on the list.
  9. yea prolly, but this clown would make good use of it. thats for shuree
  10. im hungry for a s rail =)
  11. those boxes look so good, i cant wait.. freestyle team is gonna be great this year with all the new features. megan, are you still gonna be on the team?
  12. that website looks so funny with that moose lol
  13. did anyone get that rehire packet yet? im gonna call them today to see if i still have a job haha...
  14. i went up for a cruise the other day to visit frost and check out the new guns. they look awesome, cant wait to see them in action for the 06-07 season! but anyways i was checkin there website and i see that they renamed the terrain park at jackfrost from tobyhanna to ONE.... can someone pplz explain why u would name a terrain park one.. and that whole season pass thing, it does sound pretty lame but im sure they are doing it for a reason..
  15. it was a mad fun comp, but i have mass amounts of sunburn on my neck
  16. the 40fter is glorious deff gonna be a bangin comp i think they should set up a booter if we are gonna ride all day... its a reasonable idea.. then again im not entirely sure how much snow is left at this point
  17. just wait for next year muahahahha but yea, im still down for that jammer
  18. ill be there
  19. those gondolas look mad ghetto
  20. skis are brand new and never mounted yet so are the bindings 04/05 170cm armada ar5 & 05/06 salomon s912ti white/black 400+ shippin for both or offers on each
  21. ill be workin on the park if there still is one..
  22. ill be up there today 3/7
  23. did anyone check the new quarterpipe, it was sick today..
  24. check out my new booter setup, with landing.. its a pretty smooth tranny.. beautiful for backflips http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=3/6106423936.jpg&s=x402 http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=3/6106445389.jpg&s=x402 http://putfile.com/pic.php?pic=3/6106462951.jpg&s=x402 backyard steeeeeeez
  25. yea man i saw that run, it was pretty sweet until i heard them say that u were DQ in that case, ben should have ben DQ'd also since he threw a misty off the tree slap.. then that would make the whole event more fair instead of making up rules as we go...
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