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About meggles

  • Birthday January 15

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    large rock

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Super-G Racer

Super-G Racer (6/10)

  1. Are we talking about the same bumps?! They were horrible! They were like misshapen lumps with giant death cookies on either side haha--not to mention how far apart they're spaced! I don't know, I could just be crazy
  2. The "bumps" on Exhibition are just embarrassing. And yet people still went and attempted to ski them.. All in all the conditions were pretty good today, I thought. Especially in the AM. Stuff started to get a bit scraped off by the afternoon.
  3. DIO - HappyPro Honestly this has gotten me more stoked to ski than anything else I've seen this year
  4. meggles

    CB Park Pics

    I spy Wiz!
  5. It was SO windy on Sunday! Freedom was set up real nice. No scary urbans.
  6. I'm so there. If not Saturday, DEFINITELY Sunday.
  7. Any new news on JFBB? Rumors of opening dates or anything? Someone on NS said the last weekend in October if Mother Nature cooperates..
  8. That thread is so amusing..
  9. Jesse and I hit boulder up yesterday and had a really good time..neither of us cared in the least bit the conditions..its decent skiing in april in PA..come on now haha. So stoked to be able to get out there. The only downside was the weather.. On a side note, there were a shitload of chick skiers there that were killing it and I felt like a major pussy haha. Props to them girlies.
  10. Jesse'll be there.. the weather's not lookin too good for tomorrow up there haha, but I'm positive it'll be a blast anyway. Kinda beat that Sno isn't stepping it up as of right now, but of course it's PA and its been raining like a mother here.
  11. Whaaaaaaat that is siiiiiiiiiick! KILLIN' IT!
  12. Just kidding.
  13. I'm definitley gonna head out today. I have nothing else to do..
  14. I really can't think of anyone with a more unique style. And I swear to god I've never seen him with his legs more than an inch apart unless he's in the air.
  15. So..I'm sure those of you on NS know that Sean Jordan and Jon Brogan both are legit competitors for this year's Superunknown contest held by Level 1. http://www.newschoolers.com/web/forums/rea...read_id/346652/ A lot of people seem to be thinking Brogan's gonna take it.. Thoughts? He really deserves it. Kid slaays it and he doesn't get much recognition for it. Well, not until now... It'd be soo sick to see a local kid winning that. It was really sick that Wallisch won since he was from PA..but this is even more local. Brogan really IS "superunknown"..most of the other guys trying to win it aren't exactly "nobodies".
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