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Everything posted by meggles

  1. umm wide flat rail, or slight up box down rail or jump tree jib jump or box/rail thing (kinda a mix i guess) wide up box or jump wide flat box that drops off to lower box or wide flat box. thats pretty much it, maad fun
  2. haha yea well, it happens
  3. ^word but i mean if someones droppin in to hit something and some kids in the landing and i see it ill say something i think that goes for everyone though.
  4. haha yea really its amazing he matches so well, tanish everything
  5. soo went up saturday, hooked up with dan till noon, fun stuff freedom was closed for a while saturday morning, but it ended up being so much fun so its all good skied on the boardercross thing for a couple runs, got kinda crowded chilled with kristeezy for a while, good stuff umm what else.. oh yeah, heres dan http://media.newschoolers.com/uploads/memb...70020899dan.wmv went sunday morning, had a lot of fun, weather was soooo nice this morning eh? loved freedom, the red rail was mad sticky till they waxed it, but it was all good oh, and jackie got her roxy stuff..shes gonna be decked out haha..you name it she has it, basically and uhh..yeah. really fun weekend overall
  6. he meant in general..not necessarly tomorrow.
  7. i guess that was just one bad experience with ski patrol their cause when i tore my acl they were all over it, and i just kinda insisted i was fine. ski patrol at jfbb is so rad, like theyre so chill about everything and theyre really nice...theyre really not pricks, it just sounds like you had a bad experience where no one was there, which doesnt happen often, but i guess it does occasionally dont get me wrong id be upset too, but you cant base everything off of one bad experience and good luck on the recovery, get better quick
  8. haha those are sick happy happy
  9. wow that was mean
  10. haha claimers!
  11. WHOA THERE just kidding. it looks fun though.
  12. sweet..maybe sno is worth hittin up sometime. it looks mad fun
  13. hahah that was epic, watched it again and word tp4 sno actually looks sick not that i know anything
  14. just kidding!! sorry!
  15. ^works for me and yikes
  16. yea it doesnt load all the way for me either but sick, looks fun
  17. pfffft go to boulder
  18. ^i second that
  19. ill be at boulder all day
  20. hahaha
  21. no..im pretty sure YOURE the one that missed out today. bb was pretty much epic. cold..but epic
  22. haha alright cool yea i looked for you but i didnt see you..you missed out..today was fun
  23. haha deal..its on..but only if you actually try this time..sheesh you gonna be there saturday?
  24. hahaha black handshake.. but seriously, yikes..thats really beat. im sooo glad jfbb's ski patrol is chill
  25. meggles


    i have a mini dv and i have no idea how to use it..yay!
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