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Everything posted by meggles

  1. hahaah dan you dork..yea i kinda guessed you let me win but at least you couldve tried to make it seem close..sheesh
  2. haha im megan..but i suck at quarter pipe
  3. meggles

    holy crap

    i spy with my little eye.. invaders
  4. haha yea totally. the setups are a little intimidating for sure, with the gap ons and all, but its really not bad once you do them. i know how hes feeling haha. but yea ill be there this weekend i actually ski with a bunch of younger kids (hahaa) so i can introduce him to them too
  5. ahh haha yikes, tell him not to be intimidated!! ive been trying to keep an eye out for you guys but i havent seen you!! haha seriously i think itd be sick to ride with him..im in freedom most of the time anyway haha unless he doesnt feel like riding with a girl haha, its all good barb
  6. meggles


    i third this
  7. ill be there saturday and sunday for sure
  8. haha yeaaa nips1!!
  9. oh haha. definitely didnt know that. wait who are you?
  10. haah whatever they hook you up with at 940 im sures fine. theyve got a lot of options, ask deeter or something, they know their shit. plus deeter mounts them effing fast. oh and make sure if youre just staying in the park to get them center mounted
  11. i have older versions of those but i know the construction has changed. i know a few people with them and they really like em, but theyre insanely flexy but if thats what you want then go for it..my fujatives are a LOT stiffer. i know a kid that broke one of the 07s but k2 sent him a new one hah
  12. word, check out the 07 fujatives for sure http://www.k2skis.com/k2factoryteam/ski.asp?ProductID=24
  13. the new fujatives are MAD flexy..and like 375 whats your price range? theres soooo many options
  14. hahahaha wow so true. soo true.
  15. ahahahhaha ^word and uh what the hell is tumbling
  16. uhh im really not sure.. i heard it from someone i rode with last night, just wondering if anyone else saw it..but i think it was later?
  17. ^yikes dude get on that.. giro thats a tough call as far as looks but id trust giro over smith as far as helmets go any day, personally. just cause its all giro does.
  18. anyone see the guy that did the front flip and overrotate and get knocked out? and holy shit it was cold and wet and goddamn i was soaked and i only stayed till 10
  19. sweet im there till like 10ish on sunday for sure
  20. oh, sheesh sorry and haha good luck with that
  21. ^hahah im there..but ill be at bb all day most likely
  22. ^haha
  23. why are you complaining about it haha..its more hours..NOTHIN wrong with that..
  24. pa riders..and pingo pop maybe? rictor beez? haha i dunno, i might be making all that up and thats just around here, therse a ton of groups like that
  25. haha thats blake jareds the guy in orange
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