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Everything posted by meggles

  1. like for me the speaker thing is fine ha, a lot of the music they play is sick, but its really loud (you kinda get used to it though you just have to talk really loud..er at least thats how it was for me), i just have a hard time focusing when youre wearing headphones..idk hard to explain haha
  2. i get so distracted if i have my ipod with me..like i dont pay attention to whats goin on around me and stuff, and yea its reaaally loud
  3. omg guys i thought it was gonna be raining all day sat. but its gonna end in the morning!! im so excited!! haha an yea it blows that its gonna rain but its a lot better than having it rain alllll saturday you know?
  4. word i have no idea who that is...
  5. i think they look sick for sure
  6. im definitely going saturday and probably/possibly going sunday
  7. (referring to papa's post) hahaha oh god i was there last weekend watching those guys film and im so embarrassed haha ive become a panzie guys its horrible but damn yea youre right jackie/teddy/jared/billy are gonna have to find them oh and speaking of jackie (and kristie aka kristeezy), congrats to them, they just got sponsored by roxy!! but anywho that edits really sick, those guys look fun haha
  8. im there saturday
  9. oh, nvm yeah i couldnt figure out where one of the boxes was for a sec
  10. sick was some of that at jf?
  11. good question..
  12. hahahaha ok that was def. meant for the guy that said hed be wearing a jacket, sorry papa plus i waved and you never waved back last sunday, so psshhhh
  13. youre wearin a jacket tomorrow?! haha, its gonna be friggen hot dude
  14. im like 90% sure im goin
  15. ill probably be there
  16. oh wait, what?! tuesday?! why a weekday? meh.
  17. hah, hell yeah! you guys f*ckin rock
  18. yea i think the kids youre talkin about posted a vid under the jfbb forum thing from sunday , those guys were sick for sure
  19. Megan K
  20. lookin good for me so far..i just need to keep my grades a's january 25 haha. yikes.
  21. wow..this'll be my 5th year at jfbb and i always thought the employees and lifties were some of the friendliest, pleasant people around, as well as the riders there. but hey, thats just me.
  22. ^oh i saw you there last sunday i think
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