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Everything posted by meggles

  1. yea weve got a frickin ton of park crew guys so i think well be more than aight.. but whats gonna happen with all the events and sponsors and shit? what are jfbb's plans?
  2. oh i saw you guys there, sick stuff
  3. wow. well..thanks for all the work youve done already, shame to see you guys go.
  4. WHAT IS GOING ON?! dammit im with kristy haha
  5. ^if that happened why would papa be saying please reconsider
  6. sorry, double post
  7. .... can i have a birdhouse
  8. ahh somebody let me in on the secret!!!!!!
  9. word and PSH i waved to you yesterday and you never waved back haha
  10. meggles

    ski bindings

    definitely talking about his 150 buck skis, not the ones he got at the yard sale
  11. i fell a lot though tryin to hit that box switch & thats where i found it it was the wierdest thing 1st time its ever happened to me
  12. oh haha, my bad i was wearin a happy valley hoodie in the pm & orange and white jacket in the am, grey pants, orange helmet, 04/05 fujis, neon poles haha.
  13. the ticket like slid off the metal haha, so lame
  14. ^yo did you have scratches?
  15. yeah this is actually the first place ive been in like 2 years htat still does the metal wicket thing. i guess i never really noticed before because you only needed your pass before..ugh but yeah the zip tie ones are rad, never fall off
  16. duuude my lift ticket fell off today..jared said he got a 10 buck fine yesterday when it happened to him..i found it a few runs later near a spot i fell (ha i guess thats where the name thing comes in handy) but yea, so lame.
  17. word i always ride with a helmet..def. has come in use before haha.
  18. meggles

    ski bindings

    word seriously though, if youre a park skier..thats what you get skis for..hitting rails and shit..do yourself a favor and just hit jibs with your regular skis..are they twins or what?
  19. yea i would've if i realized it was probably you, but i wasnt really thinking, i had to catch my buddy jackie haha were you standing at the bottom of tannenbaum?
  20. ^i think i saw you talking to papa actually now that i think about it
  21. yea frost had a jump haha yea i went to boulda today and i only saw nips once, didnt get to talk to him at all, and frick there were a lot of boarders
  22. were you at boulder today?
  23. yea i went sat, it was pretty sweet, the boxes were real fun
  24. ^ugh i could NOT get myself to hit that first box switch the wider one i could get fine but i kept turning to the left before i hit it argh but holy SHIT jackie and teddy kick my ass now, wow.
  25. ahh today was so much fun even though i couldnt stop bein a panzie and hit the goddamn box switch but no worries s'all good
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