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Everything posted by meggles

  1. i miiiight be there friday, and ill def. either be at frost or boulder all weekend..just not sure where yet..if its crowded at boulder you guys should check out frost haha..its really not that bad despite what some people say as far as park goes.. plus if i cant go to boulder i dont have anyone to ride with at frost haha not that it matters, but yea, if you see me say hi
  2. oh crap i still need to send a pic in for that..i can still do that right?
  3. ^ouch.
  4. that made me laugh so hard doug hahahah well that, and the jacko scene in scary movie 3 just came on
  5. haha those are so sick, nice
  6. dammit ILL BE THERE saturday...maybe friday night..
  7. haha. boulders so sick
  8. YES!!!! sweeeet
  9. haha i quit. but i spose that'd be sweet for boulder, so i guess its all good other than the fact that i cant go. ahhhh screw.
  10. jfbb i hope....? well i'd assume so anyway..with parklogic and all...then again..assumptions are the mother of all f*ckups soo yea, but i'd think theyd have a pretty damn decent park on opening day but hey what do i know
  11. dammit theres not frickin way i can be there if they open during the week apitngpreavcm;ssngahrjf but i guess thats pretty much amazing, it'd be epic if they were first to open around here
  12. ohhhh ok thanks for clearing that one up
  13. WHAAAT
  14. whaaat!!!
  15. yeeea girl!!
  16. yeah this is pretty much true even though i skied too much at jf haha and i didnt get to meet a lot of people that ride at boulder, thats gonna change htis year haha so yea, hes def. gonna meet a lot of really chill kids, everyones really nice over there
  17. really sick again wish i couldve been there for the rail jam...looked mad fun
  18. wow..you have NO IDEA HOW BAD I WISH I WAS IN PENNSYLVANIA RIGHT NOW but im in new hampshire im so jealous of you guys that are going..ugh.like.soooooooooo jealous. theres a rail jam tomorrow at sunday river so i might head up to that and do it..i dunno.. oh. ps. not that this has anything to do with this topic but i started doing rails again on my first run yesterday hah.. i couldnt resist..its so much fun..ill post pics when i get back but yea, seriously, im really jealous of you guys. like. a lot.
  19. wow. i never knew they had that many events for uh..robots but thats pretty damn rad youre gettin a scholarship outta all this
  20. argh why do i always have to miss out gaddammit i wont even be skiing till like friday anyway i wanna stay here haha
  21. yessssssss the webcams finally work edit: i spoke too quickly...totally still get the white screen..gaddammit.
  22. HOLY LACK OF PUCTUATION!!!! but yea i agree its sick
  23. bwahahaha
  24. reacpgtxa',.agjnp;ad s gahhhh this is so exciting!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haah that totally made my day er..night!!!!!!!
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