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Everything posted by meggles

  1. Ahhh what did i do?!
  2. Sorry there's so many..I'm a wee bit indecisive..
  3. HOLY SHIT. I've never been in so much snow. Faceshots galore, and if it weren't for powder straps I would've lost my skis a few times haha. When I tried to stand up in the snow after I had a little double-ejection incident, my boot just sunk down and the snow was up to my crotch. It's literally bottomless. Yesterday was nothing compared to today..and we're supposed to get even more snow tonight?! They're calling it The Perfect Storm hah. I can't even believe these conditions haha. Soooooo much fun..wow. And there's really steep sections here which I was intimidated by at first..but when you figure out just to let your skis point downhill and you just kinda..bounce I guess? It feels sooo right haha. Plus Highway 210 closed at 1 so everyone left beforehand..it was sweet. Haha watching a dog get on a chairlift is entertaining too. But wow.. the conditions today were unbelievable.
  4. All I can say is wow. After hell at the airport yesterday and finally getting here at midnight Mtn time..wow. I've never skied this much powder before..I'm in shock. Depth goes anywhere from knee to mid-thigh deep..it's unbelievable. It's actually pretty hard to get the right mentality seeing as my EC-oriented brain fears piles, clumps, etc, where I really have no need to worry about them here even if they look like they would send me flying haha. Floating like that is one of the best feelings.. Once my knee started bugging me (I forgot my brace..) I stopped for the day. Anyway, theres a shitload of powder here with 10 more inches tonight and 1-3 feet Sunday night. Yep, feet. It's crazy here. Ill post a ton of pictures when I get back..and I'll keep updating this..even though I'm not the best at writing TR's.
  5. I love the free pass deal..and passes go on sale for next year on February 19th. Next year's gonna be really sick, and I'm hoping there'll be some fresh faces if you know what I mean.
  6. Tanner totally deserved it. Andreas got jipped big time. And I am SO glad to see Colby on the podium haha. He's definitely my favorite skier out there. Simon went huge, as usual..but that's about it..
  7. When do you ride? There are definitely a handful of kids that are really cool, agreed.
  8. Since everyone thinks that (and in no way am I denying it), no one's coming up and giving it a try..May Day last year was amazing, partly because of the vibe. So many kids from so many different places showed up and everyone got along. Yes, Boulder is ridiculously clique-y but there are a few of us who ride there regularly and wish that some kids would come up and actually talk to us haha. Even the kids that come up to ride have their own cliques so that they don't feel "left out" so to speak. Shit's messed. I wish there was something to do about it. But hey, if you ever head up there and see a chick in an orange jacket and 08 fujatives or a guy with a ridiculous neon yellow hoodie, just holler. We wish we had more people to ski with..but we don't.. The reputation skiers and boarders have (chill, laid back, outgoing, etc) is completely shattered by Boulder. It's ridiculous. I actually rode by myself a lot last year just because I couldn't even take the scene. And THAT is what Blue and Bear have on Boulder.
  9. nope nevermind..
  10. What a terrible day to have the midnight madness thing.. it's gonna be hella cold
  11. You don't mean seasons pass right? Because no, you wouldn't need a seasons pass.. a lift ticket probably.. hahaha...touche
  12. Hahahahahah oh my god I bet Ian was the one to get Yellowcard. WOW. Nice Boulder. Nice.
  13. Haha well..maybe I was talking about the liftlines..but on Saturdays especially, or any "crowded" day really, if you ski/ride while everyone else is eating lunch, there's literally no one on the slopes. Saturday was a little ridiculous on Boulder...We were trying to film and there was just crash after crash of kids having NO idea what they were doing hit the jumps there. And since I was filming on the knuckle of the second jump, I had to deal with whoever crashed there haha. Some little kid knocked the wind out of himself and was flipping out, and I had to tell him he was still alive haha.
  14. hey guess what i got 270s off today woo perhaps i shall
  15. Today was so much fun.. it ended up being pretty nice out, I hope you went. Not really crowded either, but honestly Boulder doesn't really ever get crowded. Not as much as Blue or BC anyway.
  16. aye aye cap'n
  17. holy shit, im in new hampshire right now and we've gotten a foot and a half at least since ive been here (thursday.) they're getting pounded. every day theres a storm.. all the rain thats passing through pa is snow up here
  18. haha yess, that'd be me.
  19. ahhhh we saw you today i think. you absolutely kill it chica. haha i couldnt land anything today, it was terrible. fuun day overall though for sure.. i need to hit up bc more often
  20. saturday night/sunday was foggy as helllllllll. really fun weekend though.
  21. haha hey i'm in there i definitely saw purple shirt guy get dominated by the red barrel haha
  22. I went for five days over the summer and had the best time of my life sooo yeah. I'd say it was worth it. Whistler is straight up unbelievable. I'm going back next year for sure. Oh, and yes it's expensive..really expensive, but they give out a ton of free shit, (everyone gets a bag of.."goodies" at the end of the session with free stuff in it. Nice jackets, goggles, etc.) and the only meal you need to take care of is dinner. They provide super good breakfast and lunch for ya. You meet so many people, and everyone is really chill. So much fun. Oh, and as far as instruction goes..everyone helps eachother. Fellow skiers, riders, coaches, you name it, they help.
  23. oooh I have yet to see you guys! Let me know when you go to BB next, and I'll make sure to keep a lookout haha
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