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Everything posted by meggles

  1. ^hahahah yiiikes it wouldve been freeeezing
  2. yiikes i hope they dont make EVERYTHING like that!!!! im coming back from a torn acl!!! ahh!!! plus on the website they said in the press release "... The ParkLogic Crew has drafted a preliminary layout to include 30 custom ParkLogic jibs, a new
  3. cold enough to have to wear a wetsuit is my guess.. the water up there, even in the summer is friggen freezing
  4. dude. im all over it. if anyone here knows me, theyve seen the neon poles. LICENSE TO THRILL!! hell yes.
  5. meggles

    big ben

    yeeaa man i saw that! jea ben! airs sooo sick
  6. ^JEA. oh my lordy this season is gonna be friggen awesome. like. i cant even begin to explain it.
  7. ^WORD. this guy knows whats up.
  8. hahaha ohhh yeah. me and nipples and rob go waaay back, dont we papa haha actually me and nipples did our first comp together at boulder, thats how we met
  9. bahaha its one of your pictures.. i was looking through them and lo and behold! us! hahaaa it was from suuuch a long time ago though http://www.paskiandride.com/forums/index.p...=si&img=333
  10. haha..yea. whoa i just found this pic of nipples at bb from like 3 years ago and im in the background lol
  11. ^yeah shadows thats what he meant he meant like "50% of BB's a terrain park, nice"
  12. hahaha hey i remember his name now alright!?! jeez! ....or....i think i do.. haha
  13. DUDE nipples just told me thats FRIGGING AWESOME!!!! duude im SO stoked for this season.. sooo many good things to think about.... yaya wait... haha wait you drove all the way to boulder?
  14. yeah i know its definitely not worth it..i dont want to go through that again.. ill probably start up rails and stuff late december/january ish.. or depending on however i feel with my brace on but those rail jams sound sick
  15. haha im so glad everyones thinking about hitting jfbb up a few times this year.. last year i dont think we did so hot as fair as sales went, and quite frankly everything sucked, it wasnt a good year for them but this year... haha this year's gonna be sick beyond recognition. (yikes i dont wanna jinx anything.. knock on wood!!)
  16. ^yeah you're probably right, but i dont care, it'll be better than last year and its gonna keep getting better and tahts good enough for me
  17. haha yeah im gonna go to both for sure.. probably more half and half this year and yeah, its closer by like 5-10 mins, not too much. haha yuup weve got a place in JT but that still doesnt make it fair haha i just want to see good things comin for JF.. ive mostly skied there for the past 4 years
  18. haha i cant believe they're all going to bb and not frost.. i feel bad for jf, we barely get any improvements and bb gets a ton ugh its so unfair hahaha
  19. pshh go to boulder for sure and uh.....no i dont think so, but there hasnt been enough snow for it to bump up at all so who knows
  20. holy snap!!! yessssss ahh thank you AHH you COMPLETELY JUST MADE MY YEAR!!!!!! haha!
  21. i think jfbb might be having one.. i heard around thanksgiving..hmmmmmmmm i wonder if id be able to compete........ ps. im definitely wearing my ski pants right now.. I NEED TO SKII .. i wonder if my knee'd be all healed up and ready to hit rails....
  22. ima goin to coc if i can help it
  23. oh....well ill probably go anyway, i need to meet up with my buddy jackie there and maybe if they still have the mtn biking open then, ill ride before hand or something
  24. ok im DEFINITELY going to the fall festival. looks like so much fun site looks uber sick. thats right. UBER
  25. ^haha i wish
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