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Everything posted by meggles
haha my dad just got last years volkl karmas...hes so stoked.. he was out this whole season with an acl tear too so hes as stoked to ski as i am (he skis park too... he cant wait for this season).. get your dad some cheap twins and get him in the park haha its actually pretty fun seshing with your dad lol
haha yeah i gotta figure out where i'm going. im afraid that i wont be able to go to whistler though!!! i hope so. but we'll see. its like a year away haha.....i cant wait to ski aahhhh
haha yeaa they got me started.. love 'em for it yeah..hood or BC im not sure yet...but chances are its gonna be hood..i just gotta figure out which camp to go to so lemme know if anyone has suggestions haha yea..we just came back today.. it was so nice being cold...one night it was 39 at their house so it was really sweet.. yea haha i do too but now im back home. ugh.
haha ok i feel soo stupid asking all these dumb questions but oh well.... is there something you can spray on your jacket/pants/gloves/whatever to make them more waterproof? like silicon or something? haha im clueless
yea. alright makes sense a moi..ive had these volcom pants for like 2 seasons that i think were like 5,000 or something and i got pretty wet everytime it snowed..(which was like 4 times ugh. i'd rather be soaked with snow than dry and nothin. ugh.) so yea these'll be good enough. plus they have these super comfy liners hahaha :] jea. all good in my book. what are you gonna use this year? waterproofing wise? ps. sorry i changed the subject guys!
woohoo alright thanks its what i wanted to hear
oh ok i dont know anything about waterproofing um i just got these 686 pants and how good of waterproofing is 10,000 mm? (these pants=amazing though.)
um. no. haha. i meant JF but dont get me wrong im stoked for BB's park too hahaha..ahhh you have no idea how anxious i am.. in fact i'm wearing ski pants right now jea! so stoked. hahaha yea....about that haha.. my friend jackie (the infamous 12 year old chick ripping up the park; aka jackie on pasr) decided that i should be called guts this winter after i tore my knee up. so i was guts on here for a while..
haha oh umm i dunno about the name change hah we'll see i might switch it back later annnd i ski pretty much just at jf/bb as far as PA goes but my grandparents live in NH (where i am now) and so we go to sunday river and attitash/bear peak (they work there) a lot when we're up there..hopefully this year or next year i'll do tuckerman's..i dunno now with the knee thing though.. haha oh man..i completely forgot about my birthday until you mentioned it.. im definitely gonna ask for something ski related.. not sure what though yet.. i think we're going to alta this winter independent from my birthday and they already said i can go to mt hood for camp (that way they have an excuse to go to hood river and windsurf/mtn bike) soo i dunno what i'll ask for...maybe new skis i dunno! all i know is i get to ski on my bday haha thats all i care about
im ok with everything now...its just a big change...but i guess it just benifits the mountains so im all for it. but now i dont even care about the changes i just wanna ski....but my question is when are you guys looking to open? i cant wait i just got new ski pants and everything haha im up in new hampshire right now and we drive by attitash and cranmore and everything like every day and tuck's ravine and i need to ski so bad. yup. but yea when's jf gonna open? ps. im sooooo stoked to see the park at JF ahh i cant wait
haha i know right it sounds like some kinda nike thing i dont get it haha ahh im so stoked i was thinking about it.. it wont be that bad, i guess it just means that frost'll have more money for improvements, so its all good.. ahh im so happy they finally got guns :] yayy i cant wait till the season starts, im definitely gonna pay the extra 100 bucks jared are you and nate gonna be doing the park again this year?
uh oh that does not bode well
heh, i thought they were doing so well with the improvements and things..and then i see this im really disappointed.. this is the dumbest idea ive ever heard of i mean seriously what purpose does that have, waiting in line for a freaking ticket when you have a seasons pass haha my parents arent going to be happy campers.. ahh this is bogus baaddd moovveee this blows.
AHHHH WHAT HAPPENED?!!?!?! this is horrible. alright, im pretty sure im getting a job there.
heeeyyy me too too bad the only ski shop nearby doesnt even carry twins hahahah it sucks so bad they have absolute crap argh i wanna go in there and tell them to start carrying that kind of stuff haha.. oh well... yea thanks ill definitely start checking that stuff out
wow, nice yea i kinda completely changed my mind haha theres no way im getting aeryx..or siver.. i just want something with high quality thanks for the tip, ill def check it out
yea ive never had either brand so its good to know from other people what the quality is like.. maybe ill just go with 686 or oakley or something..some company thats been in the business longer or whatever haha ive actually had volcom pants for like 2 years but they're getting torn up and stuff..they arent waterproof so much anymore haha thanks for the help who makes the best quality stuff in all your opinions? or whose outerwear have you liked the best?
true.. but im liking the siver stuff more.. mainly cuz i skied with mike nick right when siver was getting started and he was so awesome haha i was like..11 so i couldnt do anything but still haha oh yeah, and b/c siver has some really sick stuff i like how simple aeryx is though
ahh they both look soo sick for this season..i can't wait just thought i'd share. http://www.predatorjapan.jp/colors/Colors4.htm http://newschoolers.com/ns3/web/content/pa...&page=siver ahhh i wish i had money haha.
ew dont do that and ive got an orange giro fuse haha i love it. its super comfy. and lightweight. actually i dont even notice it but ive whacked my head on a rail before and im soo glad i was wearing a helmet dont take the chance!! wear one!! its like wearing a seat belt.
friggen epic and theyre from pa which makes them even better but they're awesome skiers already
ahahha that made me laugh
WHAAT ughh steven. i hate you. you are so lucky. i am so jealous of you right now you have no idea oh yea and have fun.. lucky. :]