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Everything posted by meggles

  1. may 6. the ONE DAY I CANT GO. youve got to be kidding me.
  2. heh nah just a random pic.. i got it off of newschoolers.. i thought id share it with yall
  3. oh crap i tried to make the pic bigger but i made it smaller never mind i fixed it
  4. i love this pic..haha
  5. ahh i'm so excited!!!
  6. understood. jared is a force to be reckon with. but, like i said before, why not go and just watch & hang out? you dont have to compete.. but i guess its kindof a long drive for you guys if you live close to montage, so i get it oh and just for the record, i cant spin onto or off of rails either (thats my goal for next year...), but that staircase was mighty fun when i did it. i would compete if i could. i know i wouldnt win. but grindings fun so i would do it anyway. plus its only like 5 bucks. or at least thats what it was in their other rail jams... com'on...it'll be fun!! haha
  7. haha you make it sound like you think its a stupid idea why not go, even if you just hang out and watch and support everyone else doing it?
  8. WHAT?! oh i'm there but if its on may 5 or may 6 i'm screwed because i have a show i've got to play in that night @ downingtown school of rock...i've gotta be there at like 3:00 to rehearse both days and the show doesnt even start till 8 and if i was allowed to do it i really would..but no skiing for me till thanksgiving at the earliest. :[
  9. couldn't have said it better myself.
  10. click here if you want to see some of the best, sickest big air pics ever taken. oh yeah, and an unbelievable video too.
  11. meggles

    Any Advice

    for the summer, i would get an balance board... http://www.vew-do.com/ they really help with rails and balance and build your quads and stuff and they're really fun ive got one and i use it all the time
  12. haha you get it now? it took me a while too, then i realized the jump was the size of the condos surrounding it. pretty insane.
  13. okay..heres some pics to show everyone how friggen massive this jump is...
  14. yeah i dunno about the 80 footer from mammoth, but i know that that jump is about as perfect as it gets... no mistakes, perfectly cut. amazing. ha
  15. good lord. http://www.freeskier.com/freeskier/news.php?news_id=473 ^um this would be pics of the first day. i'll find an edit/more pics asap...holy snap.
  16. meggles


    wow really? he made it pretty far for skiing w/ snowboard boots.... impressive haha
  17. meggles


    haha yeah same was that one of the guys in the edit or just some random kid haha? nice job by the way.
  18. haha my dad's got fujatives and old salomon 1080s ... he does rails and boxes. he's the one that got me started haha its great
  19. haha i got that right after i posted it but yeah he does haha actually i think he looks a little creepy too... but back to the comp---- how big is 15,000 cubic meters of snow? in case you didnt read it, the 2nd jump from last year was only 4,000 cubic meters... ...i take it this year's hit's gonna be more massive than anything anyone's ever seen before. whoa i didnt see this before: 16 year old girl's hitting this?! competing against burke, eliassen, & parker?! whoa
  20. actually i think he looks too much like a chick but i wish i could go and see it...the lineup is ridiculously awesome.
  21. holy snap. http://www.jonolssoninvitational.com look at the film from last year's comp. and the riders signed up for this year. and how big they plan on making the jump this year. 15,000 cubic meters. wow. ...everyone landed sooo smoothly in the film... (well...everyone they showed did anyway...)
  22. 5 bucks. sounds really fun...i wish i could go
  23. haha i love blue's announcer was that one jump close to the end by the kid in the black tshirt an attempt at a truckdriver?
  24. meggles

    Public Enemy

    oh...sorry. i dunno...i still think they're fat...they look really fun...esp. for skiing switch or powder (not that we have any...)
  25. meggles

    Public Enemy

    speaking of fat skis... haha have you seen this?! its ridiculous...look at pollard's skis (he's got a yellow jacket on; his skis are green) http://powdermag.com/gallery/k2-back9-day2/index8.html
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