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Everything posted by meggles

  1. hahah, noaa.gov's forecast for blakeslee: chance of snow every day this week. i love it. well, flurries. but still... pottstown's not so lucky though. meh.
  2. i was there from 8.30 - 11.30 this morning. soo cold..had to whip out the neon yellow hoodie after like two runs
  3. bb was SO much fun yesterday..so fun, yet so cold..soo facking cold skied with black-bandanna (the kid buttering like no other on PE's haha) and a few of his buddies all day. suuch a good time..despite the freezingness yeep. looove the new fujis too.
  4. at the end of the season, it was 10 bucks..like it should be this time same conditions and everything. actually, better conditions. much better conditions
  5. holy shit.
  6. negative nancy. black-bandanna and i will be there if they open anything the 17th.
  7. oh im definitely going to be at bb this season on the weekends. but for after school and days i have off and stuff, a hill thats a little closer would be nice haha. bc's closer..but i like/know more people at blue..sooo yah. haha. no offense to bc or anything.
  8. ohh mahh gahh i cant decide between blue and bc?!????????
  10. hahaha iiiiiillllll be there i better get my license..
  11. meggles

    Bear Creek TR

    no.. i think dan can back me up on this, id never tell someone to fuck off. i ski so i can get away from that kind of shit.. i think i have an idea of who that might have been though.
  12. ill bring you pie if i pass by a perkins
  13. ill be able to drive by then scoooooooore
  14. meggles

    Bear Creek TR

    i skied at bb by myself most of last year and didnt meet a single new person, other than a few pasr's.. twas shitty. haha i hope i dont count as a local..
  15. this is irrevalent to the canada thing but if im ashamed to ski at boulder every weekend. i dont want to be considered a local hahaa. and i believe canada is the shit.
  16. i really..reaaaaaally..wish i lived closer to sno.
  17. xyz=examine your zipper! its so wierd seeing pics of places you were haha. like exactly. ahhh.
  18. meggles

    Bear Creek TR

    that too..
  19. meggles

    Bear Creek TR

    hahaha what a fun filled day you two had i think travis is grabbing your friends ass.
  20. ahaha the day i left the weather was sooo shitty..damn..haha oh well, next year weve got a whole month to get nice weather eh nips? ahah.
  21. umm the day i got there it was beautiful, first ski day was cloudy/sunnyish, second ski day had amazing weather, third ski day rained haha. go figure. day i left rained as well. it was warm enough on the glacier for a tshirt and a shell for a jacket. except the third day, which was super cold in the morning since it was raining. cleared up a bit though. and yea, there was a race camp next to coc and they packed up after about noon..so id ski a few switch runs on that. and then the space between the last jib and the tbar was pretty sweet as far as regular skiing goes
  22. sorry bout the wierd lighting on most of those..i didnt go back and edit anything yet haha.
  23. there was an 11 year old there that was with her family sooooo i think its just as long as youre with family its fine? not positive though and yea i need to get on here more haha
  24. woops, yeah definitely, i have control on how i get off rails now, i got 3's and baaasically 270s off and i only skied for 3 days for the record hahahaha i saw that, the last night nips got thrown in the pool as well. your son has the strangest laugh. ever.
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