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Everything posted by meggles

  1. meggles

    Public Enemy

    fujatives are confusing...i have them too, well, the 04/05s...but k2 is changing their line a bit. this coming year, the fujis are going to be a full blown park ski. my fujatives are more of an all-mountain (i think?) . i'm not sure about the 05/06 fujis... also, k2 is debuing a new ski for the 06/07 season: the silencer info on K2's line for next year: http://newschoolers.com/ns3/web/content/pa...gas2006&page=k2 more opinions on the PE/Fujative/Silencer discussion:http://www.newschoolers.com/ns3/web/forums...read_id=192813& oh and i just looked on http://www.k2factoryteam.com/ and apparently the PE is both a park and an all mountain twin, while the fujative is a park/pipe ski as for me, the fujative is my favorite ski so far..i love 'em..no problems..i had line mavericks and they delamed before the end of the season...if i tried to ski switch i would fall b/c the delamed part acted as a brake basically and my left ski would either go significantly slower than my right or would just stop completely haha it sucked.
  2. meggles

    help me

    you face up the hill. i think.
  3. umm not when you dont know its your last day...like when you get hurt bad enough...my last day was 4 weeks ago i think. it pretty much sucks.
  4. aww thats kind of sad...the last day is so depressing...
  5. alpina mounted bindings on my fujatives last year right when i got them...it took like 20 minutes or something...deeter's the man
  6. i loved it...good job the only thing is that the color flash things got a bit annoying...but everything else was sweet
  7. ahh i'm so jealous...everyone was there today!!! i bet it was super fun... aww and i've been stuck at home all day.. ughhh friggen knee
  8. hahaha i bet you anything its cuz no one showed up for their comp last weekend... ...the rail jam on sunday had about 10 people in it haha i dont know about the big air comp that was on saturday though... but the format is exactly the same: $3 registration fee...registration noon-1...comp at 1 and that just figures...i would really like to go but i have surgery tomorrow and i highly doubt i can convince my parents to drive me up there when i'll be on crutches haha unless...i can get my sis to say she wants to go (i dont see why she wouldnt)
  9. haha i know, right!
  10. whoa that would be huge...ya think they're getting new groomers for it? i suck at pipe...like...more than anything...or at least i did last year... that would be awesome b/c i really need to get better at it oh and with the bumps do you mean they'll be there or they're getting a bump machine?
  11. all that matters is that they're getting (at the least) more guns & a new groomer which means that next year is gonna be more sweet than anything.. i'm so happy..well..except for the fact that its 8 or 9 months away...
  12. awww. dang. someone that works at boulder told me they were getting one...haha that sucks...but not really since SNAP thats a lotta snow guns!!!! yay!!! AHH i cant wait for next season!!!! yay for peak resorts!!
  13. SWEET! i'm so happy for everyone...haha i need to live vicariously through other people until next winter so everyone needs to get out there before spring really sets in
  14. oh man i remember that...i begged and begged my parents to take me...i couldnt get a ride from anyone...they said no haha so my season ended a week early...i didnt get to say goodbye to any of the people i usually see there haha it was really sad... ...and this year...haha well this year my season ended like 3 weeks ago..but i've still been able to go out and film... but i have surgery on friday so theres no chance i can get up there this weekend... it really sucks... but hopefully jf'll be open the 25 & 26...and more importantly i can get a ride there haha hopefully i'll be off crutches in a week...that would be sweet
  15. well we didn't really get a lot of snow this year so you cant blame them..... but next year BOULDER'S GETTING A BUMP MACHINE!!!!!!!!!
  16. yeah i heard there would be one this weekend from a couple of people but i haven't heard anything official... haha everyone should come anyway and if there's a comp, great, but if not...it'll be warm and sweet weather for trying stuff in the park...esp. the new quarterpipe
  17. i'm still confused....are you talking about kids from boulder?
  18. are you talking about kids from boulder and jf? thats horrible!!! if you are ...aww not all of us are like that!!
  19. dang...i hope you get better!! but i know how you feel...i'm out for 8-10 months though ...i have my ACL reconstruction next friday and there's absolutely no way i'll be able to ski again before the season ends. i hope you have better luck timewise than i do.
  20. haha what can she do? haha no can do this year...i just tore my acl two weeks ago at jf...no skiing for at least 8 months ...but next year i'm definitely going up to montage...i havent been able to get up there at all this year or last year. so i'm definitely going up there next year. haha long way away i know... how was the park this year? any good rail set ups? it was hard to tell in the edit what was a box and what was a rail...well, for me anyway... yeah next year you guys should definitely come down to jf or bb for a weekend or something
  21. haha personally i would have a really hard time switching over to snowboarding...i've been skiing too long and i love it so much that i could never switch... ...speaking of switch...skiing switch is one of my favorite things to do haha
  22. haha oh my god he still rides 148s??!!!!! ahh that's so funny!! how tall is he? like is 170 what he should be on? haha i'm about 5'6" and i'm on 159s... oh man... wow. no offense to him....thats a little tiny bit sad. good job on the 1st year skiing thing and beating him though! thats awesome! haha ya like skiing so far? (guess so.. :])
  23. man...i think i competed (or at least tried...i couldnt even hit a rail back then...it was pretty sad) against brian cusick at a next snow thing like 3 years ago...he won... haha havent seen him since
  24. i've got a nice little edit... it'll be up tomorrow i think...i dont have a lot of the quarter pipe but i've got a little
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