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Everything posted by meggles
ooooohh. i get it. haha thanks. heh yeah i dont think frost has many of them...
i know i'm gonna sound really stupid when i ask this..and i know they somehow prevent people from jumping off the sides of the lips...but whats a cheesewedge booter?
nooo!! thats not what i meant at all!! where did you get that from?! i certainly wouldnt want to hang out with him...i dunno about you...but its not because hes on tv!! its because he seems like a jerk! obviously i cant know that for sure because ive never met him, but thats just my opinion. you dont have to agree with me!
i was REALLY pulling for simon...tanners crash may have been hard, but i think overshooting the landing from that high/far was worse... tanners injuries werent bothering him, too...simon was in sooo much pain between runs..you could tell..it made me cringe just watching him.. he looked like he was gonna cry..i felt soo bad. simon definitely should've gotten 1st. i was really sad to hear he got 3rd.. my dad was flying out to denver or somewhere out west and he sat next to dave chrichton on the way over. they were talking about comps and what everyone was like, and chrichton said tanner was the biggest jerk ever. i never liked him (tanner) in the first place..sure, he can jib and whatnot but i really dont like him...plus simon' from bethel, (sunday river) and thats basically where i learned how to ski....well, sunday river and this place called attitash bear peak in NH. but anyways, simon DEFINITELY should have gotten 1st..then favre then hall.
ugh..believe me. i dont have ANYTHING against boulder...their park is sweet...but cant jf hold a comp for once?! i understand this comp since there's no snow right now, but i dont think i ever remember having one in the past... oh well...i'll probly still be there...and it'll be sweet.. ps. i think winter's coming back next week...
congrats to your brother!!! hes on the jf/bb site
awwwwwwwwww. man. but isnt jackie insane?!!! ahh i have a hard time keeping up with her. and shes 11. or 12. i forget.... aww i wanted to see you guys!! next time, i spose. are you guys going to the oakley rail jam feb. 11? its gonna be shaweet!!! tell steven good luck w/ all his upcoming comps, esp. the nextsnow thing. the jf freestyle team's rooting for him (or at least me & jackie are) how's ridge? no word of him. does he race?
man...i was at JF!!!!!!! ARG did you see jackie kling? she was over there yesterday... you guys gotta come out to jf when our conditions get a tad bit better...
hmm i need to find out what the best camp to go to is... i take it camp of champions is sweet cuz steven is the most insane kid i've ever seen for his age...
sweet...perhaps i can get my family to take a trip up there...we couldnt take a trip out west this year since my dad tore his acl and would kill us if we went without him...and he'll be fully recovered by then...sweet...
haha..nope...maybe his name wasn't ian...i think he was on the freestyle team at montage with brian ... i forget. hm. thats gonna bother me now.
really? sweet. thats awesome. yeah i think the 2nd place finisher was from montage, too..i want to say his name was ian???maybe?...
oh snap. wow. you need to come on over to JF and teach me some stuff!!! or maybe i need to go to camp of champions........... good job..you rock.
sweet. good job, little man
yeah man i remember you!!!!! how could i forget!! when i first met you you and your brother had matching red one-pieces right?? and your dad broke his leg or something? anyways... dang youve gotten good. like amazing. and dont EVEN say "a little better" ............... you're my hero!!! how old are you now?? man...are you sponsored yet?
oh yeah i see what you mean....well i'm sure he'll do great- not a lot of skiers!!! and most of the kids that do it are pretty little...so he's probly got a good chance. just make sure he doesnt drop the f-bomb and throws his poles around and stuff if he comes up short on a jump or something...the judges dont like that very much. oh and since a lot of other local mountains already had their qualifying comp, i bet there'll be a couple of kids who travel to boulder who didnt make it in another qualifier oh and congrats to steven-i heard you're going to killington and did really well at shawnee's comp- shaweet
haha i did it two years ago at boulder...its actually a comp. 1st and 2nd go to VT for the finals did you do it at shawnee last year? when i did it it was totally fair- the kids that made it were actually from montage..they were awesome the kid that won-i think his name was brian- did a 7 for his big air and could hit all the rails and stuff but he wasnt too hot in the skier-x-not many that were there when i competed could actually ski well, ya know?? and you have to be careful..they also look a lot for a great personality and for the fact that you can actually ski, not just jib--but i think the kids have gotten better and better each year. do you do the z games at boulder?
check it out!!! its gonna be ANNUAL!!!! no way i could do it this year..but next year p'raps i'll try haha not that i'd win anything at ALL... anyways...i'm DEFINITELY gonna be there though. i wonder if any pro skiers are gonna show up...that'd be sweet.
man...that would hurt a lot if you fell....... but its gonna look shaaaweet if you make it!! i'm so mad i cant go to watch...arg
oh... thanks and alright thats cool. do you know when they are?
shaweet!!! question though... can i still compete? or am i done since i qualified already... man that was so awesome though...i was really suprised to hear my name for second. after they called the third place finisher i thought i was out...i crashed on the step up box w/ the gap on my second run and i wasnt sure how the other girls did...
Oakley Pro Riders Erik and Bjorn Leines on hand for poster signing session Pocono Rail Jam - $5000 Cash Purse Saturday, February 11 Pre-register at www.snowboardseries.com ($50) Register onsite 10-noon ($60) Practice noon-1pm Qualifiers at 1pm-3pm Finals 4pm Movie Showing on Snow "The Community Project" thats all it says on the website and the link it gives is no help...but i'm sure you all have figured that out by now...
haha thanks... i love skiing switch......i was hooked after mike nick came and went switch down thunderbolt and i was like man!! i gotta do that. and by the way-dear god!!! that sounds a bit violent!! i cant say i've ever knocked myself out doing skiing switch...caught many edges and looked really stupid when i crashed and hurt a lot, though...and i hit my head on a rail once...that kinda hurt...a lot...
haha thanks for the intro..but i'm not that great...