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Everything posted by meggles

  1. ahhh sorry, wow i dont blame you, that WAS hard to read..im tired what can i say.. haha for surrreei dunno if its just me but i was definitely starting to talk more like a canadian..like my o's..
  2. oh, and on a sidenote, people thought ali and i were a lot older than we are, and girls- the guys there are amazingly hot. and they all have goggle tans. which makes it 2347543264 times better. like hoooooooly shit.
  3. ill have pictures up in a few days..im still not home yet. but let me just say this. that was absolutely the time ive ever had in my life. EVERYONE is so fucking chill and mellow and shit. i saw cr, tanner, met spence, sterbenz, van valin, and the rest of the 4frnt team that was there. they were all so funny and chill and just soooo rad.. my routine went like this..: wake up, put my gear on except for boots, knee brace, gloves, and my helmet. put all the other shit i needed for the day in my backpack (waterbottle, sunscreen, etc) and strap my boots and helmet to my bag..walk down to breakfast, ate some fruit loops, walk back to the picnic table i put my shit at, put my boots on, get on the first lift..then walk to the second lift...then take a bus to the third lift and put on my helmet, gogs, and gloves on, then ski down to the glacier.. the park was fucking sick, my coach was griff, and yeea. at about 11.30 you have a suuuper good lunch and chill at the 4frnt tent with the guys.. there were only 3 chick skiers there, and one was an 11 year old who was just learning so it was basically my roommate ali and i..she lives around here too actually, skis at blue. my third roommate was kirsten the singapore whore. hah. she slept outside haha. lets see..oh and after we were done skiing ali and i just walked around whistler with our shit on and got gatorade and peaches while getting dirty looks from the other chicas there haha. at night ali and me usually went over and chilled in nipples' room where he stayed with two guys from nc, berkley and charlie, they were fucking rad as well. i got myself a sickass watch the last day i was there too.. there was this pizza party thing the last night but ali and i decided to eat at the mongolia grill..if youre ever in whistler you HAVE to eat there. hooooly shit its sooooo good. but anywho we got back just in time to see our very own nipples get his ass thrown in the pool and the free shit is given away..all the campers get a bag of awesome shit from your coach..i got a new billabong jacket, couple hats, subscription to freeskier, an asssssssload of stickers, and a few bandannas..it was so rad. oh, and when you first get tehre you get a sickass shirt, waterbottle, and socks haha. all in all, best time of my life. next year im most definitely going for longer.
  4. i just got my passport today..camp in 11..im stoked as hell
  5. well jeez thats a shitty surprise get better quiiick
  6. haha assclown
  7. shits whack
  8. nevermind..just..wow.
  9. niicely done nick and damn dan you do get low
  10. i agree, that was my favorite shot i think
  11. nevermind i love how the announcer said 'throwing down' about 50, 304 times
  12. im in love with that trailer hoooly shit
  13. haha kristeezy, hell yea she was
  14. haha i dont blame her, that looked really rough her and the rest of the chicks that were there were killing it
  15. word who was the boarder chick that like..flipped over the box at the very top? anyone else see that? the tip of her board got caught under the box and whatnot..she crashed really hard and kept hitting everything, props to her
  16. maggie won for the skier chicks there were like five of us there..the other four were hitting everything, soo good
  17. this is really bad quality haha, but for those that want a taste of how many people were there/how much snow there was..
  18. i saw both of you haha and, on a different note, the very tip of my nose is bright red hahaha
  19. haha i basically just hit the double barrel most the time i was there..the shit that wasnt getting judged wasnt crowded at all so that was sweet im so tired though haha and im proud to say i have a little goggle tan!!!! suuch a good day oh, and someone said hi megan and i had no idea who they were, sorry bout that if youre on here haha
  20. omg today was so much fun and boulder has so much snow left, holy shit
  21. haha that doesnt matter, no one's gonna be paranoid about winning, just show up and have fun bb's recent rail jams have been pretty chill, from what i know
  22. and when did they pick up k2?
  23. i<3hungry sloth productions Hungry Sloth Promo
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