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Everything posted by meggles

  1. dont forget about may day my friend
  3. word. bb and bear and mad close as far as how their parks are.. not to mention how shitty of a season bear had as far as conditions go (moreso than everyone else) and what an advantage bb has to that through their location and snowmaking. i cant fucking stand the vibe at boulder though. i really like it at bc. im pretty sure bc picked up another pass holder for next year just through one visit. theres a lot more to who has the best park than just how its set up..in my opinion.
  4. yeah it does
  5. i miiiiiight/will hopefully be there
  6. i know employees at the tash are really stoked for next season
  7. nevermind image tags= [/img]
  8. sooo many skiers there today the snow was pretty fast..i got going way too fast whenever i took a switch run haha.
  9. scratch that..definitely gonna be there
  10. its about a 7 1/2-8 hour drive if theres no traffic and whatnot and if you do go, be really careful..lets just say the weather can turn around in a second
  11. nah shes got a white jacket and black pants. thats lame as fuck.
  12. uhh maybe, i dont know. shes pretty quiet. haha whatever, it doesnt matter. but yea theres a few real down to earth chickies.
  13. no..this chick rides at bb, not blue but shes really nice too
  14. haha i dont even know her name. but in a lot of cases shes was the only chick to compete in a lot of bb's comps..rail jams and shit. shes so rad.
  15. theres always may day
  16. haha i guess hes right theres one boarder chick thats really chill though
  17. well when do you get back
  18. hahah hes not even lying either
  19. word big ben and that kid in the brown with the green jersey underneath were killing it actually, pretty much everyone was killing it crazy
  20. im there saturday. cant wait. oh shit thats tomorrow!! yay
  21. haha oh jeez im sorry i was trying to be funny, ive ridden with quite a few guys and gals on hardtails at super tech spots, including bc and st petes..not too sure if any of you have heard of it, but its gnarly. and those guys compltely own.and seriously i respect everyone who rides, sorry if it came out differently!
  22. 16 thank you very much!!! haha nah i love bc haha. so good, so hard.. good luck with riding that shit on a hardtail, thats all i gotta say..
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