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Everything posted by meggles

  1. nevermind...
  2. i honestly dont think you could ride bc with a bike like that it might just be me, but it seems impossible if you dont have clipless pedals haha
  3. holy shit thats an effing beast of a bike
  4. in regards to the first point you said, everywhere i go that stuff only goes down on race weekends. for regular rides? not so much..but hey what do i know. they run the MASS series finale in september, and apparently they hold a few other races as well. as far as i know, any bike is in the clear..i think its just no motor vehicles or something.
  5. theyre amazing. so well kept. however, i have yet to make it without falling hard haha..thats this years goal..its like riding at saint petes aka passion of the bike, but a billion times better. just farther away haha. i love their trails..sooo good.
  6. does anyone know if bb's open on fridays? like does that count as part of the weekend?
  7. yeah it just dawned on me that my season's gonna be over in two or so weeks
  8. haha i feel like such a dumbass about yesterday but anywho.. the few things i did hit i liked hah looks like im gonna be getting at least an offpeak pass to bc next season, maybe unlimited, not sure yet the vibe at bc is a hell of a lot better than the vibe at bb..
  9. haha that sucks.
  10. dammit i forgot about getting pics today..tomorrow. its going on the hand.
  11. if cb stays open longer than jfbb.. well. in short, i completely agree.
  12. haha really, sweet, i about 10 minutes away from pottstown but yeah i dont know if youve ever been to the ojr high school but the main entrance has some nice looking stuff to hit.. definitely getting pics tomorrow.
  13. apparently theres one at st basils thats nice, but i dont know for sure, never seen it ive been looking at ojr..theres a ton of ledges that look mad fun..ill take pics tomorrow for anyone that cares
  14. ^word i was there too, it was so empty today, i probably saw you the flatbar was soooo sticky and everything's ride on now on freedom..definitely not used to that
  15. haha i go to owen j
  16. i was at bb saturday and sunday..the hill was absolutely empty (especially compared to what i was expecting)..it was crazy got hit on pretty bad on saturday by a bunch of boarders. hahaha im pretty sure half of them were like 12 too. but anywho, i took so many switch runs..soooooo much fun in the conditions that we had..and i learned that its a very bad idea to ski switch in pow, get going fast, and then try to turn around so that youre going normal again..bad things happen..my neck still hurts haha oh, and now most of the setups in freedom are ride-on and whatnot but yeah, the snow was soo ridiculously nice
  17. hahhahaha well, to each his own, but i think it can look pretty sick. not to mention its mad fun to do on occasion.
  18. danger..you know i dont like it when my men curse
  19. im stuck at home with nothing to do i dont know how i can stand this for much longer
  20. sweet hahah yeah.. im from bucktown. its such a small town that i dont think it can even be called a town. it doesnt even have a post office. so technically i live in pottstown..but i really live in bucktown..if that makes any sense
  21. ah, that blows im there every weekend so youll probably see me when/if you go
  22. sleeting here in bucktown, the roads are shitty as fack
  23. arent you the one going to bb this weekend?
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