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Everything posted by righthandedlefty

  1. Mark you tard! You have no game whatsoever... I'm better at picking up chicks than you are. Why do you think you got her phone number? Oh yeah... because IIII asked for it - not you... Basically, Mark asked me to help him find a girl who rides/skis. He doesn't care as long as he can take her with to the mountains. There was this first girl, Heather, but she wasn't so nice. She didn't care to tell me her name until I chased her down the mountain. Then this guy comes up to us and I was like, 'screw this.' Then Mark had to get his old board, but change his bindings since he's a cheapskate and only has one pair. That's when we saw Kara. She is cute. Anyways! After I ask if she's into kinky stuff, "Jesus" comes running after her, saying he's into it too. Mark's got competition. He would have lost it if I didn't talk to her. We made our way over to F Chair eventually and Mark goes on the inside so he can talk. But does he? Not really. We come back again and still, silent bob... more concerned about TP4 playing his jay... I talk to her and she's all sweet. Very nice. So eventually Mark says a few words to her. Next run, I ask if Mark can get her phone number. She says sure. Does he? No. Once we get to the top, he gives me his cellie to get her number. Are you kidding me? I can't find her when I get to the bottom so I give Mark his phone. We take off and leave Mark and TP4 throwing snowballs at each other. We stayed for a while after that, but didn't ride with Mark anymore. Oh well... BTW --- this is liftie.....
  2. I'm jealous I missed Friday night... I spent 3 hours on the side of I-695 in Maryland thanks to a broken down company truck. Today was alright outside the park, alongside it though... The other side of the mountain was a freakin' zoo... Kids and people left and right, mostly kids. The lift lines were longer there than for the main quad...
  3. I was wondering if anybody who wears RIDE boots is having a problem... My boots are tearing apart and my laces are closed to ripped - after only 5 days... Also, Liftie noticed as she got to the top of the lift today that her lace (she has the quick laces) ripped in half on the bottom and had to ride down practically with her foot out... anybody else having problems? Where can I exchange my boots?!
  4. THe girzzly park isnt setup yet. Its the trail next to drifter.......very nice coverage but no features yet. Its gonna be a "learning park" for people new to Park riding. ...adam...
  5. We just got home from bear. Were there from 9-1:30. THeyve been blowing non stop since we woke up around 7am. ON our last run they opened to other side. Not sure what trails were open. I DO know that Broadway,and timberline are NOT open yet...both are mostly BARE. Hope this helps yall out... ...adam...
  6. ...well he is from dirty Norristown.... ...adam..
  7. JJ.....It seems like it was sarcasm seeing that I just got home from bear and they are still working on the hotel(nice new foundation pours) and the new Quad over where the triple was it still there..... Nothing to worry about man. ..adam..
  8. Seeing that there profit last season was $5 mil +, I doubt that its true.... Just my 2 cents.. ..adam..
  9. Look on the bright side... at least it wasn't a used tampon..... <<liftie - i'm too lazy to sign in under my own name
  10. Just got home from tha b00t! Another decent night,nothing to complain about. When we got there (a lil after 5:30) the lot was EMPTAY! I saw more people leave while booting up than I did people arrive. Once on the slopes things were great,nice and quiet for awhile,then the part rats came from all over. Did around another 10-12 runs then headed home,back to work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be getting out more often now. haha oh yeah,saw lots of good wipe-outs this morn....fun times... ...adam...
  11. So Liftie and I headed over to blue last night,rode for a few hours,and were real impressed with the coverage,lack of ice,and small crowd. Decided to go again this morning. Got to the Summit Lodge around 9. And took off riding. Did a total of 10-12 runs,with a nice long trip down lazy mile as our last run. Left alittle after 12. Mark said he was there,sent us a text but we never met up with him. When we were leaving,this car 3-4 cars away from us had a tampon tied onto the antenna. Was a good laugh. Poor person who owns the car,wish I coulda been there when they left to see the look on their face. Looks like We'll be headed back over around 5 to ride for a few more hours. Anyone planning on goin? ..adam..
  12. indeed they were one weds night. As for last night..I KNOW they werent on,seeing that I was within sight around 6,9,and 1:30 this morn and didnt see any action... ..adam..
  13. Yeah,seeing their conditions @ the moment,they wont be able to open for new years. Sadly ..adam..
  14. kinda cheers me up ..adam..
  15. So yeah, I was just watching the 6o-clock news on CHannel 6 and they just did a little piece on the ski resorts,Live from Bear. All I can say is WOW! Bear looks horrible! There is more grass and mud than snow. I knew their conditions were bad,but I didnt know they were THAT bad! Its gonna take more then a "few" nights of blowing to get open with a nice base. Hope they blow tonight,it sure as he77 is freezin out right now!! ..adam..
  16. Maybe it was just my eyes.....I musta been tired..worked 1.5 hrs yesterday...*yawn*...haha ..adam..
  17. THAT is a very awesome movie! Have watched it a few times now(currently am as I type). QUestion for everyone though....does ANYONE know the name of the song/artist for the song during Travis kennedy's part in the begining of the movie? Help me out... -Edit-nevermind...its True by Paul Wall and Chamillionaire-EDIT- ..adam..
  18. I noticed the lights have been on all week so far. After checkin the web cam a few secs ago it looks like there is snow,white trees,etc...but I think something is weird seeing that you were there today and there was only a small patch on school hill.. Either way,Im more than ready for the slopes to open and cant wait to hit blue several times this season!! ..adam..
  19. YO...That work is freakin Grade A prime meat! All that sheit looks SOLID. Keep up the awesome work!! ...adam...
  20. Your mom is the greatest mark! Anyways,not sure if liftie and I are going yet....since mark bailed and all... I'll know more closer to the weekend depending on wether they are open or not... ..adam..
  21. Park sounds pretty sick for this upcoming season!! Ive actually been up to bear twice within the past 3 weeks and have seen some of the new features( the new metal rails and stuff) upclose and let me tell you, the quality is AMAZING! As far as the mountain....something about it seems different,in a good way! Keep us updated!! ..adam..
  22. Im sure I would be able to make it either night, sure liftie would come too. Now comes the dumb question. What exactly is this movie anyways? ..adam..
  23. bear is gonna be nice next season! From what I've seen,I see things going smoother. Anyways, any updates?
  24. homeschooling has its ups and downs.... Wish I rode when I was in school,that woulda been fun.....oh well...
  25. I was thinking more along the lines of But yeah.....did this really need to come back? damn
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